IN art we have been taking pictures of things in different colors.
it is very fun .
we are taking pictures of people .
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
in PE4/5 we were learning about food and nutrition and we made a wall about each food group. im going to tell you about the each food group!!!
the first food group is fruit and vegetables!!! fruits are good for you because they give you vitamins minareals!!!
the next food group is Dairy. Dairy products are milk, cheese and yogurt. They give us caleium
after its carbohydrates. carbohydrates are starchy. they give us energy.
then we have fats and oils. fats and oils are food like fish and chips
last but not least Proteins. Protein is egg and meat
that is all from me good bye
First I have Mrs McNay for photography. We take pictures and edit them. I took pictures of plants and stuff outside. One day we took pictures of one colour – my colour was blue!
Then we had MIss Patterson for PE. We practised communication and eye contact for Tennis. Our warm up was chain tig and exhaustion tig.
next i had drama with miss murray we done it about the olympics me alexi and tailia was in a group to act out a sport we done football but somthing bad had to happen so alexi toock a penalty it hit the pole it flew in the staudiam i got hit i fell of my seat and got hurt
next i had miss mccaskie for out door learning we made fires to make bread mine was hot but it was solid i made a bracelet.
heres a picture of a flower i did
Hi Thomas and Tom here, all about our learning this week today we went swimming and it was fun next we are talking about maths and Tom is doing a circuit around the classroom and so is Thomas we are doing rounding to the nearest 10,100, and 1000 and maybe 10,000 in drama we are doing Olympics things and we did interviews to each other it was fun
that is all today bye bye
HI it’s rune . We did a obstacle course and it had to do something to do with push pull and twist because we have been learning about different kinds of force. We do tennis on Big Thursday so to practise our skills we played rounders. We were focusing on catching, aiming, looking and talking (communication).
We have been playing disco tig, build up and hand shake tig to warm up. It is important to warm up so you have energy for the lesson and your muscles don’t get sore.
We were playing the ladder game with Miss McCaskie.. This is when you get a partner and you sit with your legs out. You get a letter in the alphabet and you have to jump over each pairs legs and run round.
Here is a photo of me using the push force to push David in the wheelbarrow.
hello I’m Sam and today I’m talking about ……… FORCES.
PUSH push is a type of force and it is really common pushing is like getting something or someone away from you.
PULL pulling something is like taking it with you or taking something away from something else.
TWIST twisting something is like spinning something 1 bit at a time.
MAGNETISEM magnets attracting iron or other metals is magnetism.
bye everyone
Hello Everyone!! ♥♦♥
Sevi here today i am talking about the photography subject in the P6-7 class! I took this “astonishing” picture. but i think its not the BEST.
I think i will let YOU be the judge of that.
Its a picture of my classmate doing a serious face
So I took the picture and all the teachers went CRAZY they all LOVED it but I don’t see anything special about it.
Thanks for reading my blog!
Hello everybody.
Today I’m going to tell you all about art in Big Thursday. We are doing photography with Mr Walker. Here are four of the pictures that I took and edited.
On the 15th of November, P6-7, Mr Walker is going to take 14 people to display their pictures in a gallery called Shambellie house in Dumfries. I am really hoping that I will get to go, along with my bests friend Nancy and Nia. We have been doing this for three weeks now and I think we have around two to three more weeks left before we go to Shembellie house.
Bye M
Hello today I am going to be writing about my expiration last week at Bike Ability.
Last week on Friday P7`s went down to the football pitch and we had a bike instructor his name was Dave. We did a very long bike check with Dave but it was only so we are safe when riding our bikes. After we did a bike check we split into groups and we played a game where we had to cycle in and out of the cones without missing any or running over any cones. My team won 3 games and the other team won 2. Dave was teaching us how to cycle round in a circle and raise our hand to turn left and right to turn on around a roundabout . We played two other games where we had to race each other and one of the races was to be very slow and try to be the slowest cyclists and then we did a race with who can be the fastest cyclists . For the last few minuets we did a few laps around the football pitch. Then we went home .
Thank you for listening.
by N.J
hello my name is Lewis and today I will talk about bikeability. So every Friday the p7s would bring there bike to school. In the afternoon we go to the football pitch and learn how to ride there bike responsible on the road. Last week we learnt how to get on the road with oncoming cars it was so fun and we learnt how to cyclical with one hand and wave. We also learnt to ride in and out of cones next week i think we are going for in the village hopefully. We are working are up to riding to our high school for a day .
thank you for listening that is all from Lewis bye