So far in this term I have been learning about mathdoku’s and we did these things that were in a pyramid and then we cut it up and had to put it back together by solving the math problems.
we also made a class room door and charter it says one in a minion.
The mathdoku is nrich the link is here
me and Olly got stuck on difficulty 2 level 2
This is are class room door
In drama we also are learning about the Olympics so we get a sport and then freeze in place while doing that sport and the class has to guess the sport.
In P.E we have been doing tennis we have been practising are catches like sandwich trapping we have also been practising accuracy so we have been rolling it like a golf ball hitting with the racket.
In art we have been doing photography and me and Olly took an awesome shot with the camera of me swinging.
In outdoor skills we were making smores so we had to make fire but my group couldn’t make fir because we were in the wind so we didn’t get very good smores.
by harry