Scottish Opera

“Hello today Anneliese and Nia are going to writ to you about are experience at the Scottish Opera.

Me and Anneliese where villagers we happy to be villagers because they are multitasks such as chefs, farmers , Defenders of the earth . We had our dress rehearsal , dance rehearsal and sinning rehearsal. We walked from the school to the Dumfries . After we had our lunch with some of the other schools we went to a park that was across the road from the bridge.

Here are some of the photos!       This is one of the photos of us at the park all trying to fit on a tree stump .

Thank you for reading good bye!!!

🙂 From N and A

boxing on Monday!

Hi its Jayda and I’m going to talk about  boxing at nithvalley we have been skipping, shadow boxing and  exercises such as star jumps, push ups, sit ups and burpees , I have learned  Jabs ,1,2, and sparing I have been going for two weeks and so far really enjoyed it all. I got a gum shield for next week we are doing sparing again and looking forward to it I recommend going for people aged 10 . thank you for reading goodbye .  Dumfries boxing club saved thanks to community support - Daily Record

My Japanese Learning!(With translation!!)



Hello!, Today I am going to talk about my Japanese learning! I am learning Japanese on Duolingo and I am on unit ten and I am on section 1 rookie!! I am learning to tell the time for example nijidesu!! it is really fun learning Japanese and it is actually really easy and fun when you get into it. I am learning Japanese because my little Cousins are half Japanese and my Auntie is Japanese!!
Thank you for reading
by Nancy!!
By the way I once made sushi, tofu miso soup and teriyaki chicken!!


Duolingo for Japanese - EVERYTHING You Need To Know - duoplanet


Hello, it’s Julien, and I am going to talk about my residential trip with P5/7.

It was very fun (I did like the one at Galloway Activity Centre more, though). So, first, I was on the bus where I just slept the whole time and talked to Carson for a bit. Then, we had to get off the bus, put our baggage in the sports hall, and receive instructions from a crew member named Stacy. After that, we had to put our baggage in the cabins. They were wooden cabins that looked like they were from the 80s. We were in two groups, and I was in group 2. I slept in a cabin with all the P7 boys and Miss Dale, although Miss Dale slept in the leader room. Next, we did high ropes where you had to climb a pole, then a platform, jump, and hold onto a bar. After that, we had to make a tower with crates. then we got back to our cabins to change in our clothes that could get wet and then we did open canoeing me and kohdie where canoeing on the same boat and at the end me and kohdie leaned on the same side to push our boat in the middle of the lake but then we flipped. Kohdie was panicking and I was laughing so hard. After that we ate dinner and we had beans, potatoes, sausages and it was pretty good (it would be better with Gravy). Then we had the night walk that made your legs pretty sore but I just talked to Carson the whole time. after that we drank some hot chocolate with biscuits. after that we got ready for bed. in the morning we got woken up by Miss Dale. Then we did the abseiling then we had lunch then we did the ziplining, that was fun. then we made raft building (we fell in the water), After that we did the Stream walk but my feet where freezing. Then we had dinner and then we went to the swimming pool and that was fun and warm, Afterwards we went to sleep and Miss Dale woke us up and we had to get ready so clean the cabins. then we put our stuff fin the hall and went to ;low ropes then we did the scavenger hunt and ate lunch with sausage rolls (I had 2) then we went on the bus and went home! That’s it I hope you liked my story, Jullien

Scottish opera

Hello, its Rory and I am going to talk about the Scottish opera.

So on Monday right in the morning we went and walked to the bridge. I was partners with Carson on the walk and we kept making the lorries honk there horn. 

when we got there we went to this room and put our stuff there then we went in the big room with the stage and right away got told where are home positions were and then started practising the songs and choreography i barely knew what i was doing because i missed basically all the times we practised so i just had Lewis to guide me.

After that it was break and we kinda just had a snack then went back to the stage so we went to our groups own room and practised our main part i just had to say we know the land! with Nia and Lewis which it was kinda hard because i would be waiting for Nia to say it so i could say it and Lewis would be waiting for Me.

Soon after that it was lunch time and i pushed people on the swing really high and jumped on them. then we done dress rehearsals….. i looked like a smurf :I

Then it was the show and my mum and dad went there but everything went smooth and fine except for the technical difficulties with the queens microphone but everything else was okay.

Yeah thats all i can remember right now bye!




Now our school is one of the lucky schools in Dumfries area that got to go we started by walking to the bridge which was alright cause it was a nice day. We then started by them showing us our village places we where the last group there we just went through the songs and where our places are when we move. We then had a quick break. After we all went to separate rooms because the sorceress knew a different song to the villagers. First he picked 4 people 3 from our school 1 from Duncow we got just to act crazy it was fun. After was lunch and then we had a dress rehearsal which was funny because mine was really hot because of all the layers that i was wearing. We then did a live performance and there was a few parents from our school and then other parents from other schools it was really fun, creative and we even got wands and i give it 9/10 which is a really good score.

Gala day

hello it is Niamh and i am going to tell you about gala groups me and Gabriella where in the plant group and it went horrible but then after i stressed out a bit miss dale decided to move me and Gabriella  to the face painting group it is much better because we have tasnim Daniel daisy and Sam we don’t really have to do things beside practice and we have been practicing on p1-3 i have had aria Mabel and Zara so yeah that is all about before gala day ill update you after gala day.



My Holiday! (that is coming)

So today l am going to tell you about my holiday which is in 6 days we leave on Monday and we are going for 2weeks. We are going to Egypt and l have been before l have been twice and l am going to the same bit as last time. this week has been very stressful from packing and getting things ready. l have already got my traveling  outfit. We are leaving between 8 or 9 in the morning and we are going to have breakfast somewhere before we go to the airport and we are flying from Edinburgh and we are going with tui. l am really exited especially because its gonna be lily’s first time going to a hot country and her first time going on a plane. And at school l am missing lets get sporty, week n the woods, camp over and the Wallace hall transition days. So yea l am very exited and happy that it is soon. Bye

All about gala

Hi Alexi and carlay are going to talk about galla groups in alexis group it is Grace me and ruby we are doing ice cream and juice gala day is on Friday on June the 7th carlays groups it nails and squishes abigal nia anniles and me are the people in the group alexi was helping the squishes are filt with flour the squishs are homemade the squishes are balloons with flour we drawed things on gs on them by alexi and carlay 😉

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