Scottish film foundation

Hi my name is Lewis and to day I will  be talking about  the p6 school  trip to the Scottish  film foundation . In  the  Scottish film foundation in the bridge  we had four  classes and I  am going to talk about the first class. the first class was  silent movies.  In silent movies we learned about  the old celebrities ( we evening got to watch a  short clip of them ). 

second class was shots in shots we got to make shot  and  learned about the  four shots  they are called  (close up extreme close up  wide shot  establishing shot)

  . third class was Scottish films .   in Scottish films we learned  about Scottish words and Scottish movies

 .fourth class was story board  and I really like this class  we got  to learn about the how to make a story board . 



thank you for listening bye. 

bank holiday

hello every one and today  I will be talking about bank holiday. on Monday it was my grandpa’s birthday. for his birthday we got the bus in town to go to weather stoans  we had lunch. after lunch we got a taxi back,  got in to our pyjamas and watched a movie.























My weekend!!!

Hello today I’m going to write to you about what I did in my weekend.

Last week my mum and step dad  have been working very hard because last week on Saturday and Sunday the Gardens of cosmic Speculation had opened .I was very exited. So when my best friend came over for a play date, I asked her if she wanted to go down once every one has finished work. My mum said yes, her boss did not mind. so we went down to see what they had done and what is new. It looked so amazing we spent lots of time down their. Now for the exiting part on Saturday and Sunday I got to go down to see the  opening days. people from all over the world were  there. It was a big surprise to see so many people . I loved all of the new models and trees and plants. I went down to see my mum and step dad, they were happy that it was going so well too. On Sunday I saw a lot of singers and bands, there werebagpipes as well .It was so fun cant wait to see the next opening day next year in 2025 .


Thank you for reading good bye!!!



I did a  point exam at ballet I had some really good scores and some I need to work on.

First I did this balance on 1 leg which sounds easy now close your eyes and hold for 30s it is not so easy now. You have to do it on both legs.

2nd you lift 1 foot up and Relevé up and down 25 times it is so sore on the first 5 and of course you have to do it on both legs again.

3rd Now this was my worse one 1.  You layed on the floor lifted your legs and then you slowly lifted them but as soon as they where about to touch the floor you had to lift them back up.

4th jumps on 1 leg

5th aeroplane pele

flip out with Rory

hi its Carson and I’m going to tell you about flip out with Rory.

to start he picked me up in his car and started driving to flip out and we where talking about stuff. We arrived there at exactly 10: 33 we went in and got are wrist bands and watched the video. Then we started playing and and hurt my ankle at the start but it healed like 5 minuets then we went back  to get are shoes on and played football. after we played football we went on bumper carts like 3 times in a row and we always teamed up and crashed in to the same person. and then we went to playing football again. then went to get a drink. we went to a air bag 2 times and they had this really bouncy trampoline then went back to the trampolines for a little bit. then we went back and the bumper carts. also we went on a slide that was fast and thats it bye


So 3 weeks ago I went to a swimming lessons now I go there every Tuesday I go to swimming at Annan its pretty fun I learnt how to float on my back I’m slowly becoming a better swimmer. I am also struggling trying to not bend my knees because it makes you sink but I’m getting used to it now. The place is called Solway swim sometimes there are other kids around my age there too its pretty fun to go in the water and under water with my goggles, I’m trying to learn how to swim because I need it as a survival skill and I need it for residential.

Flip out trampoline park with Carson

Hi its Rory and Im going to talk about my time with Carson at flip out in Glasgow.

So it was 9:15 and i went to go pick him up. he got in my car and it was awkward but then we started talking and joking and stuff. it took until 10:33 to get there. when we got in we had to put on our wristbands socks and watch the safety video.

When that was finished we went straight to bouncing on the trampolines and we instantly started comparing it to fusion in Carlisle and how bouncier the trampolines were. if you kicked down while jumping you would go higher.then we decided to go play foot ball with a random kid..

This kid was very good at Football but.. we were better! we absolutely destroyed this small little child. then we went on the bumper cars like 10 times! and it got to the point where we were just better then everyone and we were teaming up on little kids and ramming into them. then we got bored and went back on the trampolines.

But we saw an air bag and we decided to jump on it 2 times then we went back onto the shoe area and went down the slide. we also went on the elevator multiple times to take breaks and get in a drink. we were messing about on it.

Until then we had to leave. on our way back we stopped to get Mcdonalds me and Carson both got triple bacon cheese burgers but they forgot our bacon!!! after that we went home and that was it

Thats all my brain can remember bye!




(we were to tall for the go karts😒)

all about the hodgeheg

Tom here i am talking about The hodgeheg. I have been reading in class it is by Dick King-Smith. The Characters are Max, Uncle B, Ma, Pa and the Lollypop lady. The problem in the story is that Max and his friends can’t cross the road. I really like the book I think P3-7 would like it. This is the front cover. TomThe Hodgeheg by Dick King-Smith

Wizards of Once Book Review

(By Cressida Cowell)

Wish is a Warrior and Xar* is a Wizard.                                                                                         Wizards are supposed to have magic but Xar doesn’t.                                                       How they met is Xar made a Witch trap but instead of catching a Witch they caught Wish.**

Kids' Book Review: Junior Review: The Wizards of Once

*(pronounced ‘Zar’)

**(and Bodkin)

all about my book Fuzzy Mud by Louis Sachar

hi it is Alexi  today I am going to talking about a book.

I am reading  Fuzzy Mud it is a good book. I am on chapter 10 and  I like reading it. Tamaya and Marshall are Unlikely friends who find something weird in the woods! It gets quite scary!


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