all about kiva

in my class we have started the Kiva program in Kiva we talked about bulling then we talked about how we can tell what someone is feeling by there actions  and face.



















happy,sad and angry

My Cardboard House!!! ๐Ÿš๏ธ

Hello today I am going to talk about my cardboard house that I am making!!!

My cardboard house is about 70cm tall and 90cm wide!!( I can fit  in it and read๐Ÿ“–!!!) I have drawn different shapes like flowers and stars the flowers are magenta and my stars are multi-colouredโญ!! 

It has 2 windows and one of them opens and the  other one is always open!! Google (Noto Color Emoji - Unicode 15.1)

It also has a door with a handle!!๐Ÿšช

The cardboard house also has a carpet stuck to the floor of it!!

 I still need to make a roof but it looks good so far!!

By Nancy

My Learning

HI! Daniel here today Iโ€™m going to talk about my learning. Yesterday the teacher gave us something in the ocean and we got trench and in my group was Owen, Thomas and Brody we had to research facts about  trenches so I researched about the Mariana trench and I got a lot of facts I think.


โ€œHello today Iโ€™m going to write to you about this year 2024 Residential.

Hello I am going to tell you about the activities I  have done. The first one I did  when I got there with my group was the Leap of Faith I was up the stairs but I went down after because I got to scared . The next one was open canoeing it was fun but me and my partner got stuck and we needed help. After dinner we got dressed to go on a night walk the night walk was two hours long  but it was fun. The next day we went down to the kitchen and had yummy breakfast and went to our first activity that was Abseiling. I got scared the first time I tried to go down then I gave it a second go and I went down three times after that because my supper best friend helped me go down and encouraged me . After that we went raft building it was fun but not my favour the over team fell in the water but my group didnโ€™t. Now this is was my favourite activity the Zip weir it went over a lake and a woodland. Nextel we went on a stream walk and we went  through tunnels, under bridges and logs. Also we went in my favourite bit, the water we jumped off a ledge in to the water I went back words it was Awesome!

This isโ€™ one of the photos of me   jumping in the water and me and one of my friends doing the abseiling  .                   

 On the last day we did low ropes and a scavenger hunt.

Thank you for reading good bye.

St. Joseph College 3rd visit

Last week was really fun.  I went to social studies. We learned about flags and had a quiz about the colours of different flags.  After that we coloured in pictures of flags โ€“ I did Japan.

I am heading back there today. I donโ€™t know what Iโ€™ll be doing yet, but I think it will be fun.

Iโ€™ll update you next week.

by Daniel

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