Hi is Thomas hire today I am toking about my learning. at my learning is fun becos we do stuff and is fun stuff becos we do lots of stuff and is very fun and in our maths and I am on squares and is the furd hardest level and is nice to learning new maths and is very fun and we play dice/cards and I fink that cards are beater than dice but that is my opinion. On to my topic my topic is about the ocean and we hat to do a big sea and we ha to do a big pic of a 5 meter tiger shark and we had to cut it out and we had to get the colers from the scrap paper and we had to cut it out . Today we did the day’s and we had to do the day’s and we had to plan it out and we had to wight it in the 31 sechins and we had to wight the stuff in the sechins and it woes fun/very fun and that the end today by Thomas
all about spelling
Hello Grace,Claudia and Amber here
we will be talking about spelling Grace is on list 10
Claudia is on spelling list 9
`Amber does not have a spelling book but it is on a spelling app called nessy
i am a pretty good at spelling because list 10 is good and 9 is good but claudia thinks that is not good but it is amber is doing well on nessy that is all bye
Hi Brody and Owen here today we are going to talk about Residential. At Residential we had cabins there was a big room that had 2 bunkbeds 2 single beds and there was a small room with 1 bunkbed and the leaders had a room with 2 single beds. On the first day we did Abseiling if you did not now what that is it is wen you are in a harness and you lean back and start walking down a wall and you can swing down if you want. There was a zipline it 300 meters long 50 ft above the ground it was very fast!
Bye we hope you have a good day
Our learning
Hi Rune and Tom here we are talking about our learning we are going to talk about maths first maths, in maths Tom is doing a circuit and we just done a calendar, sumdog, dice/cards and word problems Hi Rune and Tom here we are talking about our learning we are going to talk about maths first maths, in maths Tom is doing a circuit and we just done a calendar, sumdog, dice/cards and word problems Hi Rune and Tom here we are talking about our learning we are going to talk about maths first maths, in maths Tom is doing a circuit and we just done a calendar, sumdog, dice/cards and word problems next we are talking about gala groups me and rune are a doing elimination quiz it is a social deduction game, we are in the same group and on Friday wee made a massive tiger shark which is 5 meters long that is all today goodbye.
Hi it is Findlay I am going to talk about Residential. We did Ab sailing first it was high. Next we did stream walk it was really cold I could not feel my feet at all. After that we went back to our cabins to un pack then we had dinner. After that we went on a night walk it was really wet we meet the other group when we were walking then we went back to our cabins. The second day we got breakfast then we did crate stacking it was fun you had to stand on crates and people pulled you up with a rope and people tried to help you stack the crates after that we did open canoeing it was fun but cold we played games.
Hi its Jayda and I’m going to talk about residential it was very fun. firstly we done high ropes (Leap of faith) when we done that I had an adrenalin rush. it was very exciting. after that we done open canoeing . me and Lewis were on a canoe together it was funny because we had to go in a line and go in each others canoes . afterwards we had dinner it was lovely sausages and mash. then we had night walk . day 2 . we woke up. then we went for breakfast and then abseiling we had to step of the ledge and let the rope go it was fun but scary .
after wards we done raft building we fell in because we done head shoulders knees JUMP! and SPLASH yep we got wet really soaking . after that we done zipline it was fast and chilling . then we done swimming . that is all goodbye .
hello people it is Mckenna, Anneliese.
We are going to be telling you about residential today.
At 11 o clock the bus came to pick us up. The bus took 1 hour and a have to get there. The first activity was high ropes and crate building. The Leap of faith involved climbing up a ladder onto a telegraph pole with little studs of wood. When you get to the top there’s a small platform. There is a bar in front of you that you need to try and jump and catch. I got up to the platform and then climbed back down – it was a little scary. Anneliese jumped and hung onto the bar for what felt like 5 minutes! For the crate building we went in a pair and stood on 2 crates , then you had to more from side to side for the builders to put more crates up. My partner and I got to 6 crates high. McKenna and her partner got 9 crates.
Sammeh gives his learning 2
this is a 2nd episode of Sammeh gives his learning
so today I am talking about garden garden gang B) So the garden gang is making pots and Seed bombs and if you want get 1 of the 3 designs or as many AS U WANT the designs are bee’s knees , flower power , and colourful day and also seed bombs.
that is all for today Buh bye guy’s
GARDEN GAAAANGGG!!!! hello human beings #6
Hello Today i am going to tell you about a company that I am in called the garden gang we sell plant pots and wildflower seeds!
If you want to buy one then you can get an order form!
we sell 3 designs of plant pots that are designed by pupils!! (including me!)
we have….
Colourful Day
Bees Knees
Flower Power
We Do NOT Sell Personal/Custom Designs 

Here is a picture of all the designs
I bet you know which ones are which
so yeah….
thanks for reading BYE HUMAN BEINGS!!!!!!!!!
maths / enterprise
Hi my name Lewis and to day i will be talking about enterprise i think that you are saying what is a enterprise . Well a enterprise is about kids get to make a business with ten pound and you have to work with a group to make a idea and tell a dragon ( which is just a adult in a suit and tie ) and if he like yours he will give you the ten pound ten and you have to get 11 pound profit and make your idea into a event to get 11 pound .
thanks for listening bye