All about my learning

Hi is Thomas hire today I am toking about my learning. at my learning is fun becos we do stuff and is fun  stuff becos we do lots of stuff and is very fun and in our maths and I am on squares and is the furd hardest level and is nice to learning  new maths and is very fun and we play dice/cards and I fink that cards are beater than dice but that is my opinion. On to my topic my topic is about the ocean and we hat to do a big sea and we ha to do a big pic of a 5 meter tiger shark and we had to cut it out and we had to get the colers from the scrap paper and we had to cut it out . Today we did the day’s and we had to do the day’s and we had to plan it out and we had to wight it in the 31 sechins and we had to wight the stuff in the sechins and it woes fun/very fun and that the end today by Thomas

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