Connect 4 learning active

  1. I invented a new game and called it CurBa.
    For 2-5 players

Each player takes it in turns to take a card from the pile, each card tells you a different way to hit the ball ( hit it while spinning round, hit it straight on, hit it with your eyes closed, hit the ball as fast as you can, hit the ball backwards), the player must try to hit the target, when the player hits the target then they get to go as much as they want before they lose, once they lose they have to go back to the watching bit and wait until there turn.

Our favourite things on residential!!!!!!

So my favourite thing would have to be Zip line , Abseiling blindfolded and Stream Adventure but i loved jumping in to the lake because it is cold but you got a thrill.

Abseiling I enjoyed it because I got to demonstrate it was also just good to run down the wall and jump down like the wind was just flowing through you hair. It was awesome plus after 2 shots I got to be the first one in my group to go down blindfolded which is exiting only 2 other people did after I had gone down it was awesome.

Zip Line well at first my partner was really scared but i had done it before and it was really fun we saw people canoe and kayaking and it was awesome long walk up to the top though but worth it.

By Abigail


“Hi, it’s Carson, and today I am going to tell you about residential that started last Wednesday. So, we got on the bus at 11:00, and we got there at 12:20. We went to the sports hall, and the instructor told us about the place. The whole place is 110 football fields long. Then we got to go to our cabins. In my cabin was me, Jullien, Rory, Kohdie, Airen. In the big room, Miss Dale, in the small room, and Dandle in a small room. Our first activity was high ropes (I didn’t do it). Next was canoeing, but me and Rory fell in. Then it was dinner, and last was night walk. Then we went to sleep. After that, we had breakfast. Then we did abseiling. It was really fun.”

Residential !


Hello, it’s Kohdie, and today I’m going to be talking about our residential trip.

So, I was in the bus with Airen. We slept for a bit and we talked for a bit. We arrived an hour later and were going to the sports hall to meet with the staff.

After speaking for a while, we were introduced to our cabins and packed everything in our cabins. After cabins, we had lunch and moved on to our first activity. First, we did high ropes and leap of faith. After that, we went on a walk in the night. On the second day, we did canoeing, and me and Jullien were having a normal day until the funny part happened. We were both resting our arms, but we were on the same side of the boat and we TIPPED! We also did a stream walk swimming,  We also where able to jump into the loch that was good !

By Kohdie

all about our gala groups

by Alexi and carlay

carlay’s gala group is nails and squishes we are making homemade squishes from balloons we will put shaving foam and water rice you can get any pattern 1.50 for plain 2.50 for any pattern or glitter. Alexi’s gala group is  ruby and grace and we do juice and ice cream


by Alexi and carlay 😈💀👽🦇X_X¬_¬

all about curtis and his family

hi my name is curtis and today im going to talk about curtis and his family

my family

my little sister is called myla and she is 3 years old , her favorite color is pink and her birthday is in june , she is turning 4

my name is curtis and i am 9 years old , my favorite color is pink and my birthday is in september , i am turning 10

my big brother is called calvin and he is 14 years old , i dont know his favorite color , i dont know when his birthday is and he is turning 15

my dad is called stuart and i dont know how old he is , his favorite color is blue and orange , his birthday is in september and i dont know how old hes turning

my mom is called dayna and i dont know how old she is , her favorite color is purple , i dont know when her birthday is and i dont know how old shes turning


i like to play supermarket simulator , baldis basics and curtis bite

i have a youtube channel called CurtisOfficial123! make sure to subscribe OR ELSE

i like pink , purple , red , blue , green and yellow

fact – curtis is autistic and he used to spell it otistic

fact – curtis is smart

have you ever heard of the mystery of oartis

curtis is a part of it


songs for the Vikings – please learn!

Audio Player

defenders – villagers

Audio Player

sorcerers – we have the powervikings-the-quest-for-the-dragons-treasure-2023-lyrics

My learning

Olly – I went on a residential to Rock UK for 3 day,s and 2 night,s . First day we did abseiling, a stream walk and a night walk. second day we had a 13 hour day ahead of us. First we did open canoeing and raft building. Then we did leap of faith and then we did a crates thing and me and harry got 9 crates until we fell off. On the third day we did the low ropes and a scavenger hunt and then we went back to school and home.

Rowan – On Friday we made big sea animals and we are going to put them on the wall. I made a Moon jellyfish and there was also a shark and an octopus.

all about my learning

Hi today I have  been writing .

and I did reading boxes and I am  8 years old my name is talia .

I dun  my reading box .


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