hi its Jayda and I’m going to be speaking about residential. tomorrow we are going to a cabin and I’m with Lewis he is a good friend. I like residential . we are doing we are doing Abseiling, leap of faith , open canoeing stream walk, raft building ,zipwire and swimming I’m so exited I’m in miss Stapleton’s cabin i cant wait we are going to 22-24 thats all bye bye .
hi my name is Lewis and to day I will talk about residential my favourite. Now residential is about going to a different place and facing your fears but it is not just about all that you get to have fun and do fun stuff like zip line stream walk and lots more . My cabin has got six people and there are three cabins and all the cabins have six people in each of them . each one has one leader my leader is miss Stapleton and me and Jayda are in the bunkbed bye from Lewis
Shoenique!!!! (how to make a shoe) Hello Human Beings #5
today I will be showing you how to paint a shoe by yourself next time I make a blog I will be telling you how to paint a shoe
Step 1: Buy a pair of blank shoes
you cant paint on a pair of shoes with things on them it would be hard to sketch and paint on them
Step 2: Sketch Your ideas in a notebook
You need to sketch your design before you paint them it is a good idea so you know what to paint!!!! Top Tip: Draw Multiple Ideas And pick your favourite
Step 3: Draw Your design onto the shoes with a pencil
You need to draw it on the shoes you can colour it in
Step 4: Colour it in with fabric pens!
so people can see your shoes Top Tip: use bright colours so people can see them clearly (and yourself lol)
Use paint for big areas
use bright colours so people can see them clearly (and yourself lol)
When planning your idea draw multiple ideas then pick your favourite
keep your eye on the next blog I do
by the way I like shoenique
Residential at Rock UK!!
Today I am going talk about Residential!! Residential is on Wednesday the 22nd of May 2024 till the 24th of May 2024 and the bus leaves at 11 O’clock in the morning and the bus ride is about one hour and a half long I think and we are doing lots of fun activities such as- abseiling, Zipline, open canoeing, high ropes and lots more. I went to residential last year and it was really fun!! I hope it is really fun again this time even though it is supposed to rain the whole time!
Scottish opera Vikings p6/7
“Hello today Nia\me and Anneliese are going to writ our blog about us learning the songs and choreography to the Viking opera .
Last month our class we got told that we have been chosen to be in the Scottish opera Vikings. We where very exited so two weeks ago we started to learn our parts for the opera. The class split in half one half was the Villagers and the other half was the Sorcerers. We have learned songs in the opera what are called Vikings for ever, Prepare Vikings prepare, Defenders of the earth and We have the power . The two songs are called Defenders of the earth which is the Villagers song and We have the power is the Sorceress song . One of the other schools are being the Queens Vikings so that means we do not need to learn their part. We have moved on to learning the dances to the songs we have learned so far.
This is one of the song and dances to Vikings it is called Pepper.
Thank you for reading bye
Gala Group
sammeh gives his learning 1
Hi guys Sam here I am doing the first episode of MY NEW SERIES
Sammeh gives his learning
we have been learning about if something is living or not and diffrent types of area like Savanah Woodland Open Ocean etc…
and we have been put in to groups I’m with Daniel and we are doing OPEN OCEAN
Visiting High School
Last Friday, I went to St Jo’s for a tour around the main parts of the school. The house teacher put me into the same house as my brother. Her name is Mrs Reid; sometimes I’ll be working with her. We visited the bottom floor classrooms; design and manufacturing classes; all other classes on upper floors and the lunch hall. Outside there is a football pitch and a rugby field. They use the rugby pitch for playing on at break and lunch.
I went back again, the next Friday – I made a keyring in woodwork and design and manufacturing. I made friends with some boys who will be in my class. One even had the same name as me! Grannie and Granpa picked me up and brought me back to Holywood…
I am going again this afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing my new friends. I am going to do another subject but I don’t know what yet.
by Daniel
Residential 2024!! Rory
Hello im going to talk about residential
Im going to residential this year and i didn’t go last year and im excited but also nervous because i hate sleeping in a room with a bunch of people but i also would feel bored on my own. This year we are doing abseiling stream walk raft building going on a zipwire and more .we leave at 11:00 tomorrow and go on the bus and its a 1 hour and something minute long drive. Im excited for the stream walk because i have heard some absolutely horrifying stories about it. I am also excited to do making rafts because it involves water.. well im excited for everything to do with water! (i like swimming to)