hello Carlay and Owen speaking
were going to talk About gala groups I’m with Abigail. Nia me and Anneliese we are doing nail Painting and selling squishes I’m going to Make a homemade squishes/Paper Squishes this is how you make them you get paper and Cotton balls Put the cotton balls in the Paper then you tape the end so it doesn’t come out then you can draw Something on it like a dounut or a Chocolate bar or a Panda ! For nail art we are going to do any Conor that’s there Me Nia and Abigail are going to bring our nail Polish and glitter for nails We hill do Patterns Mabey French tips me an Nia are doing Squishes Abigail and Anneliese. This is Owens gala group the people in It are Me Daniel and Thomas, Miller. My group is Doing a Toyshop were going to sell lots of toys . We get lots of People to donate lots of toys. In my gala group We are going to Make section for older People and Younger People. BYEEEEE