flip out with Rory

hi its Carson and I’m going to tell you about flip out with Rory.

to start he picked me up in his car and started driving to flip out and we where talking about stuff. We arrived there at exactly 10: 33 we went in and got are wrist bands and watched the video. Then we started playing and and hurt my ankle at the start but it healed like 5 minuets then we went backĀ  to get are shoes on and played football. after we played football we went on bumper carts like 3 times in a row and we always teamed up and crashed in to the same person. and then we went to playing football again. then went to get a drink. we went to a air bag 2 times and they had this really bouncy trampoline then went back to the trampolines for a little bit. then we went back and the bumper carts. also we went on a slide that was fast and thats it bye

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