My Easter Holladay’s

Hello, today I am going to write to you about the two most exiting things I done in my Easter Holladay’s .

 The first thing I’m going to write to you about is Easter at my grandparents house. In the morning me and my brother went and looked for the chocolate eggs that we got from the Easter bunny and our family then once we fond all of the eggs we took photos to send to our mum and step dad because they where on their honeymoon in Madeira which is in Portugal after we sent the photos we went and painted eggs I painted a chick my brother painted a minion. Then when we all painted are eggs we went into a field and had a roll the egg competition my brother won because his egg did not brake. After we cleaned up all of our eggs we went down to a river and had a picnic. It was so fun.

The second thing I’m going to tell you about is that I went over to Anneliese house for a sleep over. So at first I came over for a play date me and Anneliese went down to the school to see if there was any flowers on the ground to use for our perfume bottles. We went down to the hills and we saw a big river so we went down in the river and swam in it. We where so wet so we went into the filed next to the school and we swam in there to. Then we came back to her house and I stayed for dinner we had pesto pasta after that we got three face masks one was a lip mask , eye mask and the other mask was a normal face mask we left them on for 5 minuets. Me , Anneliese and her sister went up stairs and made a makeup video then we asked our mums if I could stay for a sleepover. They said yes. We were so happy so I stayed the night I had so much fun I hope to do that again .

Thank you for reading 

By N


Hello this is McKenna and Nancy, we will be talking about big Thursday.

Music – In Music we are doing body percussion and we have to make a short song using our body for example clap clap click click and we got to go to the front of the class room to show everybody !!!


by McKenna and Nancy

My Easter Holidays

Hi everyone, welcome back

In the Easter Holidays I went on a plane to Barcelona in Spain. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We arrived very late at night on Sunday. Around nine, half nine. The house was in a place at the outskirts of Barcelona called Vidreres. It was a very big house. There were two apartments at the bottom of the house and a place for the owner to live just above.

On the first day we went to the medieval town, Girona. The first thing we went to see was a famous cathedral.  It was beautiful.

On Tuesday we went to see a Salvador Dali museum. We saw his coffin that was in the wall.

We spent two days in the town of Barcelona to do some shopping.



maths homework

This weekend I have spent time with my mum and dad doing my maths home work.  Me and my dad measured all the things and then me and my mum made some gluten free cupcakes. It was really fun, we used our left over Easter eggs and melted them for the top of the cupcakes. These are the things me and my dad measured,


my desk

75cm/ 750mm/ 0.75m

Livingroom Window

193cm/ 1930mm/ 1.93m

 bathroom mirror

117cm/ 1170mm/ 1.17m


137cm /1370mm /1.37m


157.5cm /1575mm/ 1.575m


167.7cm/ 1677mm/ 1.677m


177.7cm /1777mm /1.777m

kitchen length

411cm/ 4110mm/ 4.11m

by Carlay :p

home work

Home work April 2024

I enjoyed measuring different items around the house.

I made short bread using weight and everyone liked them. mum could not upload the photos.


Hi im Sam and today im blogging about dinosaurs.

P6-P7 Class have been researching Dinosaurs to make a poster. The dinosaur I chose was Titanosarus.

  I found out they are up to 100 foot tall that’s over 9 elephants.

They also have air in their bones which makes them lighter.


ok bye guys

Eid Mubarak(10-04-2024)

Hello, Today is the greatest day of Muslims around the world 🌎 ❤️ ✨️ ♥️

Yesterday, It was the last day of Ramadan.

Ramadan is the holy month 🙌 of the year.

We pray of Allah and listen and read 📚 the Holy book ( Quran)

We fast for 30 days.

No food or drinking from sunrise to sunset.

We hope that peace prevails in the world .

We are going to celebrate for 3 days.

Happy Eid to everyone 💖 💓 ✨️.


all about my Easter holidays

hi Daniel here i went to Alton towers in my holidays and these are my three favourite rides there.

these are my three favourite rides in Alton towers there all roller coaster because i love roller coasters. and there called spin ball wizard and that is the top one the one under it is Th13teen then the one under that is the wicker man.   BYE




All about Eid

Hello today we are to talk about Eid.

in Eid we start it by going to the mosque and after we prey in the mosque the emam gets two tables and he puts one in the men’s room then he puts the other table in the woman’s room and he fills them with candy and sweets and we enjoy  them.


Here are some pictures of Eid moon’s and candles and dates. I am going to show you some ramadan pictures.



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