Spelling – We get our spelling jotters out with our spelling lists. We write them and play games together.
Reading – For reading we get our reading boxes out to check whats on the clipboards. We do things like reading our group books first, then usually task map, reading box card, also alphabet game and blog review.
Maths – Rowan taught miss McCaskie a new German card game called Knach. we learned about budgeting and money
IDL (Electricity) – In P 3-5 we made mind maps about electricians. We are making posters on publisher.
PE – In p.e we played the number hokey game and a 2 V 2 hokey match and practised Indian dribbling.
Health and Well being(KIVA)-We made a class Knot and Tasnim and Alexi untied us.
Blog-we blog about our learning every tuesday and some time’s we Do it about electricity.