hi miller and daniel here. in football daniel me i won 6 troughys in football 4 for terraggles and 2 my self. Miller here i have won 4 troughys for Heston rovers. In school we have a big concrete football pitch that we are a aloud to play on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays that we play football on. and on Tuesdays and Thursdays we trade football cards. on Tuesdays we train with Brody and Owen from are school and on Wednesday daniel goes to skill school with Brody to train football to. every morning daniel has to feed his cat with Felix the food make and miller has to feed his dog to every morning. we got to make shortbread and patatas braves witch is a Spanish food. in school a big read were on a Friday we read books for about 45 minutes. thats all we have today BY!