my learning

Hi its Daniel here i’m going to talk about what iv’e done in my learning on big Thursday. We made nature mandala,s and in Art we done paper cut illustrations it’s were you cut paper then you lair the paper. Our topic is about Spain and we are learning different landmarks in Spain and other Spain stuff like tournaments and tomato and there food. In maths we play a game called around the world were you make a circle and someone start,s then the person start,s and they go against the person but the teacher  shouts out a sum then who ever gets the sum right then they move on to the next person and who ever makes it around the world wins.

BYE!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Our learning in school!

In maths we played a new game called all around the world and it is a times tables game. In PE we done 5 different partner balances to make a sequence. In ECO day we went on a very long walk and we had task and one of our task was to hug a tree and we went on a litter pick. In literacy we writ an information report about the tartan tour of Scotland. In ECO day we made a bee house.


By Brodsterw14/Brody and Ozen/ Owen!!!!!!!   🙂

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