Outdoor learning: Well last week I was off. And everyone had already either making there chassis or making there tree house I am making a chassis and I just started so I was far behind but manged to get the wheels cut and I think it looks alright.
Stop motion animation: WE planned are video because are aim is to make a really good animation using back drops and props which is exiting I am working with Anneliese who is my friend and our story includes a guinea pig and a dinosaur and it is about size doesn’t matter.
P.E: Well we started with a warm up and then she let us pick if we wanted a ball or a hoop I picked hoop and it was good we needed to include 6 things and we had to do a jump a roll and a hold I did a needle as my hold i am very proud here is a picture. And it is a very hard pose to do.
Art: we stared at looking at paper cut illustrations because and that is where
you pick a picture and add depth it looks really good we are just doing leaves and how you can add more detail.