Hey its Rory im gonna be talking about my experience at the triathlon.

So we arrived there and we had a look around the place to see where everything is then we went inside and got changed

we got in the pool and started swimming my legs got tired quick and sometimes i forgot that it was deep so i would stop to take a break and then sink.

I got out and it took me ages to get my shoes on but eventually i was off.

I hopped on the bike and rode quickly around while having a chat with Lewis.

I got off and started running i was second last all because of my shoes so now my shoes are my enemies.

we got in the changing room but we took turns going in the bathroom cos we needed privacy!

Then we got back to school and that was that.




Some of the P6/7 went to Sanquhar for a  triathlon. When we got there, we all looked around the place,  there were  other primary schools there . After we looked around we went inside and got changed into our swimming clothes. Then all of us went to the pool and put our stuff in a basket. Next we sat by the pool and the instructor told us if you’re not a good swimmer you can swim half of the pool and if your a good swimmer you can do the whole pool.  when you’re done you get out of pool and dry your feet  and put your socks on and shoes on then you can put shorts and tee-shirt on if you want.  Once you have done that you run out of the building and run to the bikes and get a bike and put your helmet on then go around the track with the bike.  Next get off the bike and run around the field and  wait for the rest. Next get a photo then put our clothes on .After that  get a snack and play at the park in till  the taxi comes. some people go in Mrs McNays car and the rest went in the taxi .When we got to school we got all of our stuff out the car and seen all of our friends. I really  liked it.

By Azari

My learning

This week we have been doing lots of different things.

Our topic is democracy. We have been learning about Msp’s and parliament. we made a diorama of the Scottish parliament and sent a letter to a Msp,  some of us got an answer back! We made posters and we are going to vote who is head teacher for a day.  The posters are bright and colourful and pretty.

On Thursday some of us went to a triathlon – we swam, cycled and ran it was amazing!  After that we went back to school and carried on with our learning. We were very tired after the triathlon.


Big Thursday

On Thursday when half of the class  went to do the triathlon we did dancing  with  Mrs Jardine. We watched videos to learn dances to show the class, like the moon walk and the helicopter. I like the dances.

by Daniel

Last Week



On Monday we did P.E. we were learning rugby skills.  


On This Day we got our john Muir awards For week in the woods P6-7

Wednesday if you can read this your a 

superhuman yay

we did writing today


On This day we brought in empty bottles Like PRIME and Pringles

and we are designing new labels for them i haven’t done mine yet but i will finish it yummy


On this Day

we went to the woods on this day


Business groups

hello, Lewis here at school,  we always do business groups every Friday. My groups is the reading reps. This week the  group have tidied the reading hub. I have been tidying the p6/7 side. It has been fun and Julien is tiding the boxes one of them broke. but Julien had one at home so he brought it in.


On Thursday p6.7 went to Sanquhar for a triathlon.  Some of us went in a taxi and some went in Mrs McNay’s car. First we got there and we had a look around the pitch. When it was our turn to go in, we went to the changing rooms and when we got changed it was my turn first  in the pool.  I doggy paddled  then I put my shoes on and I went to run. It was so muddy I  almost slipped. When I  got to the bikes a guy sorted my bike out and I went on it around the pitch. It was horrible weather and I got off the bike and went running. I  ran out of breath and it was so horrible. I got back and I cheered on the rest. We went to get changed in to dry clothes and we all  gathered to  play at the park for 5 Minutes.  The taxi came and took us back to school and we played some drama games. by jayda

Drama on Big Thursdays

Hello everyone

Drama: We are acting out the story about some small birds and a big bird. The small birds are annoyed and are making fun of the big bird. Then the big bird fly’s over to the small birds who are all lined up next to each other on a line. The big bird then fall off the line and he is hanging to the line by his feet. Then the  small birds start to peck at his feet. Suddenly one of the small birds realise that they are all going to loose their feathers. The wire had sunk down from the big birds weight. Then the small birds all fly up into the air and loose their feathers.

Yours Sincerely

By Mena

My Maths

Hello my name is Nia and i am going to tell you about my Maths.  In my maths we have been split into groups . The groups are named after very smart and intelligent  people there is the Newtons, Johnstons ,Einsteins and the  Graingers  and that is because we will get to do different activates. One day a group will be on Sumdog   and the next day   they will be doing some maths games or a maths task and the last one is working with the teacher. In  the math games  my favourite game is make 11 you get 12  cards and try to make 11   with a partner and  who has the most pairs wins the game .

P.E on Thursday

On Thursday we did P.E we did rugby. We played  a game with tags and a ball and we played other people from P6/7. My group played Mrs Mcnay’s group then she had the ball and ran with it to get a point  then i went to get her tag of her but i ran in front of her and she fell on the ground and she had a bruise from the whistle. It was really funny but she was ok rugby was really fun. And we did passing and we played it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Findlay

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