So today we did melting chocolate and ice and breed the essayist was the ice and my then we did the breed and the last thing was the chocolate.the And team is Kye, Yasmin , Carson. bye
science with Ramani and Jackson
today we were doing science and we were learning if things were reversible or not we tried chocolate, bread, wood and wax the ice was so was the chocolate it was annoying because the candle flame was continually blowing out
by ramani and jackson
science (reversible?)
Hi it Kohdie and Airen and today we are going to talk about science that we have done today we got plates spoons candles and also matches we set fire to the candle and melted a chocolate it took a long time. it was reversible because we let it cool down, After 5 minutes it burnt out, We got another match and lit the candle, We cooked our bread and it was not reversible.
Melting and burning!!!
Hi we did reversing today here are the things we tried.
First was wood went we light the match you can not revers it.
2nd we did the chocolate it was very quick and then we taped it on the plastic plate it took awhile for it to get of the spoon.
3rd was bread my partner was scared in case it fell on the tea light. Half of it did but I just flicked it of in end.
4th was wax it melted in seconds and tried in seconds it was completely dry.
5th Ice it was melted in milliseconds and it would be reversible but we did not put it in the freezer.
By thanks for reading!!!!!!
Hiii! Rhona and Ori here!! SORRY ORI KEEPS PUBLISHING IT MAN. But anywayssss. Today we were doing AAAA…. (drum roll) SCIENCE EXPERRRRIMENT. SO we were testing reversible and irreversible STUFF by putting objects on spoon and melting them with fire. ( Btw Ori’s finger is my typewriter and its TOUGH MKAY.) We did umm…. Wax, chocolate, matches, new P1s and ICE. C:
SO YEAAAH. This was a pretty short blog but oh wellll heh.
Bye bye! C:
Burning Down the School?
Hi. Today in science, me, Daniel, and the rest of the class ran tests to see whether different materials melted or burnt over a flame. First, we tested a matchstick. It burnt. Afterwards, we burnt bread. The chocolate we tested melted. The ice and wax, well, that’s kind of obvious. They melted. We also had to see if it was reversible or not. Melting was, while burning wasn’t.
Bye. ©
today’s science
Hi its Rory and i’m gonna say what we done in science today.
After break we were with the p3s and we were doing a bug hunt to find bugs look at them in a micro scope then draw them.
After lunch we were doing an is it reversible experiment where we lit a candle got a spoon put either a piece of chocolate on the spoon wax bread or ice to see if it melts or burns and to see if its reversible
that is all i think we done today bye
science for today©
©©Hello everyone and i am going to tell about science of today so we need to meld or toast things and and look if it turns back to normal so that it dries up.I couldn’t do it full because my was light thingy turned of because i breathed to hard! bye bye©
Reversible Or Not?
today we had science. For our investigation we were seeing if different things were reversible if they were melted or burned.the Things we melted/burned were chocolate,bread,matches,ice and wax. chocolate melted and was reversible however bread burned and was not reversible.Matches were not reversible because they are wood and burnt. Although ice and was melted and was reversible. hg
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