last Friday a man came in and his name was David and he was telling us all about geology. David also brought cool objects and they were very interesting to learn about them. he also told us about were he works and it looks scary but fun. he worked on a gas thing in the water and u need to train to go and u go in a helicopter and a boat to get there u need to pass the test. you also need to ware this body soot and it looks heavy and warm. And also on Sunday there was the kings coronation and it was like a tea party but sadly l wasent there because l was busy going shopping.
before l go this is a picture of a type of under water dinosaur scull and that is only a baby 1 wonder how big an adults would be it also has other objects in the picture to. l will also add kings coronation.
that is it from me home you like the picture bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!