On Friday, A geologist came to the school who worked at oil rigs, etc, He brought oil, skulls of old dinosaurs (Mosasauras) Although, the Mosasauras was a Child/Teen water-puppy,
oil rocks fossil
Geology talk.
My granddad came in and talked about where oil is found and a little bit of rocks he had brought in a mosasaurs head it was only a baby though he had brought some rocks. My favourite rock that i have saw was the amethyst i like the purple colour and all the shapes it comes in.
We made paper chains and bunting for the kings coronation someone even played the pipes outside we had the tea party and we drove back up it was fun there was lots of cakes i made brownies for it.
This is the mosasaurs.
And this is the crown competition
first was p1/3 then p4/7 and then adults.
geology talk!!!!!!!
last Friday a man came in and his name was David and he was telling us all about geology. David also brought cool objects and they were very interesting to learn about them. he also told us about were he works and it looks scary but fun. he worked on a gas thing in the water and u need to train to go and u go in a helicopter and a boat to get there u need to pass the test. you also need to ware this body soot and it looks heavy and warm. And also on Sunday there was the kings coronation and it was like a tea party but sadly l wasent there because l was busy going shopping.
before l go this is a picture of a type of under water dinosaur scull and that is only a baby 1 wonder how big an adults would be it also has other objects in the picture to. l will also add kings coronation.
that is it from me home you like the picture bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On friday we made paper chains HAD TO BE 50FT WIDE!!!!!
then we had to make crowns for the kings coronation and it was quite stressfull cause i kept placing stuff in the wrong way..
geology talk!
Hi its Rory and on Friday a geologist was in and he told us about fossils and oil Riggs
he brought in a bunch of rocks like obsidian sand stone and more.
He had fossils and and a BABY OR TEEN MOSASAURUS SKULL!!!
I don’t remember a lot of the things about oil Riggs but the guy said the waves get very high and shake the place about and your not allowed to go out side he also said you have to wear very uncomfortable suits in the helicopter on the way there. it takes a long time sometimes to get there so you might be in those uncomfortable suits for up to 8 hours.
that’s all I remember bye!
Geology talk by Jullien
Hi today i am going to talk the geology talk at the begin i came out there was a giant skull of a swimming dinosaur (I forgot the name) and it was about 1ft long
We also saw rocks out of a volcano one of them had gems inside
The coronation !!!!!!!!!!
learning about fossils
thing about stuff
Hi its Erin and I’m with Skye
ON Friday, a geologist came in to tell us about oil pumps in the sea and what they found there there are two ways of getting on the oil pumps, the first is by boat when you get there a crane lowers done a basket and they jump on it and gets brought up its the most dangerast way to get on and the least common.
the second one is by helicopter it is the most safe way and the most common way.
The geologist brought in a young mosasaurus skull and some half cylinder shapes of rocks like salt and oil rock. He also bought in some crystals and rocks including obsidian quartz tiger eye amethyst and red sandstone We could go in and hold the crystals at the end p1s first and p7s last!!
p 6/7 looking at skull and rocks