Top 5 of the week

Hello today me and my partner are going to tell you about are top 5 things of the week.

1.P.E in P.E we have bean learning houe




My group in maths are learning money. We were playing a game and we were also doing a money sheet, it was hard but in the end I like it.

We are learning about Judaism and Torahs, it is fun we had to make one. I am going to do mine after I have done my blog.

We have french today  P7 get to go last, so I am happy.

We are doing Holywoods got talent that will be fun.

And we done  a Hebrew poem.




Hi its Freddie, we are learning about Judaism we made a Torah:



We are also learning about feelings – such as anxiousness.


In PE we are learning about tennis.



”Hi This is a Title la la la”

Hi i’m ……….

Erin and today I’m  gonna tell you about….


thing’s.  🙂

For topic, we are learning about Judaism, we made a poster  about the Torah  (the holy scroll ) and learned about the synagogue (their place of worship) .


There is also a talent show happening Holywood’s got talent (I’m not Doing it because I have a ballet exam coming up and a show )   lots of  people are doing It.

For PE we are doing tennis and are practising a solo rally ageist a wall and also practised a rally with a partner.for the warm up we played capture the flag and ended with extension.  🙂

bye bye.:-)


Our learning…

Hi were back and we moved topic to Judaism and we made the Torah and l was with Abigail and it looked amazing.

And last week  we had PE and it was quit fun because it was tennis.

I am quit exited for tomorrow because its spelling quiz best part of the week and l am hoping l move up to spelling list 14 because l am only on 13.

Last week on Thursday we had music and it was fun! we made up our own beat and mine was based on the colour blue l would do green but it had to be at least 4 letters long.

And today we are gonna do a synagogue poster and l am quit exited.

that is it from me bye!!!!!!!!!!


torah posters!!!


Hi 😀

we have a new topic at school….


We made Torah posters in partners today and yesterday (i think). My partner was Erin 😀

The Torah posters were A4 pieces of paper, either rolled around something (ours was 2 cardboard tubes) or rolled on each side and we wrote facts and decorated it to make it look second level 🙂

bye!!! 😀 


KONNICHIWA! Or hello, as people other than me would say. Today I’m going to tell you about my learning as of this week.

In maths, we are learning about money. I’ve been working on calculating income, which I swear we could have done before with Miss Stapleton. Maybe.

In literacy we are doing Hebrew poetry. I’m planning on doing a poem about an experience most might say sounds stupid as a poem, but hey, it’s mine not theirs.

In Japanese I’ve started work on figuring out the Katanaka alphabet, and I’ve nearly finished the Hiragana alphabet. I’m also learning about how to talk about places and food.

In IDL we are doing Judaism, and I am making a poster about a Synagogue.

We are also doing a topic on… Emotions?

SAYONARA! This was Caspian by the way.

Learning About Jews

Hello This is Kohdie, and today I will be talking about my learning  this week we have started to learn about Jewish people I’m going to tell you all that I know about their religion and beliefs.

The place of Jewish Religion is called a Synagogue and its a place where they pray, the building is usually used for other stuff to like their own school a youth club and a place were they pray.

They also have this day called Shabbat day which is on a Saturday and lasts 25 hours. On Shabbat day they are not allowed to use electronics or any device that uses electricity. They also eat meals dance and even don’t have to do work they also do traditional songs.

My learning (Made by Jullien)

Hello there its Jullien and I am going to talk about what i have been doing so at maths we are learning about tax at % so here is a example if you have %99 of 100 you need to time the number like this 0.99 X 100 so yeah and we are also learning about Judaism so we watch videos and write down information and put the information on a Torah/the Jewish holy book that is all bye bye.

My learning!!!

We do spelling every week and this week I picked 6 words and then learning them.

We are learning how to write Hebrew poems. Mine is about happiness.

Maths we are learning about how to pay tax. It is very complicated and hard but I powered through.

Now we are finishing a Torah it is a Jewish bible we are done it looks amazing after we are writing a poster about the Shal or synagogue or the house of prays.

Now I learned a riddle do you think you can guess the answer?

If there is a square house and there is windows on every side and there all facing south. What colour is the bear and if you work that out where are we?



Answer . The bear is white and we are in the north pole.

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