Hi everyone its TB here and I’m going to tell you about my cats birthday and what his name is, what he likes and probably other things.
My cats name is Dodger Fox and today he has turned 8 years old and I have been waiting since Sunday last week just for today. Dodger’s Zodiac sign is an Aries.
Dodger loves cheese he’s like the best lover in the whole wide world of cheese he also likes yogurt and normally we give him cheese once a day but today he got 2 portions of cheese because its his birthday.
Today he has been super duper smiley and it has just been lovely today I have told most of my friends that its Dodgers birthday.
Nancy + Tasnim
+ Ruby
loves cats so I had to tell them.
Dodger is a sensitive cat and when Ruby got to see him and hug him she just fell in love he hates being picked up and he needs quiet spaces but he can get upset and angry easily he also just loves hugs never hug him for to long though its okay for a bit but not for ages.
Dodger is so happy today and so am I.
Thank you so much for reading have a good day bye see you all soon!