hello this after noon we are making ww2 planes they are called spitfire and Messerschmitt the British is called spitfire and the German plane is Messerschmitt . I am going to do the spitfire because it looks easy don’t tell Miss Dale.
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
hello this after noon we are making ww2 planes they are called spitfire and Messerschmitt the British is called spitfire and the German plane is Messerschmitt . I am going to do the spitfire because it looks easy don’t tell Miss Dale.
We are making Spitfire and Messerschmitt fighter plane models.
They were used during the Battle of Britain.
We are going to make a dog fight display in our class room .
I am making an RAF Spitfire
by Daniel
in class we are making ww2 planes we can make two planes we cane make the spitfire or the Messerschmitt i am making the spitfire and we are reading novel’s about WW2 i am reading goodnight mister tom i like the book and we have to do war preparation tasks we have to learn about blackout gasmasks and air raid shelters
by jackson
for our WWII topic we made……..
we used:
double sided sticky tape
sellotape (cant be used on outside because it cant be painted over)
masking tape (for the outside to hold wings together so they don’t have gaps)
so a LOT of tape XD
we could make the German planes: messerschmitts
(definitely didnt have to look up how to spell it)
or British planes: Spitfires
I’m making a spitfire model
This week we have been making WW2 planes! we had a choice between a Spitfire or a Messerschmidt. I chose the Messerschmidt because i like the word ans the sound of the word. The spitfire is the British plane and the Messerschmidt is the German one. So far i have done the body and the wings of the plane. It looks like a seagull but i haven’t finished it yet.
I also finished my WW2 novel so i need to map the story out and start my new one. I just finished The Amazing Story Of Adolphus Tips and i have moved on to Number Of the Stars. i haven’t started yet but hopefully its good.
KONNCHIWA! Caspian here.
Today I am going to tell you about my learning, something fun I’m doing, and a top secret project! That I will tell you about.
Maths: In maths we are still doing fractions. I’m doing pretty good.
Duolingo: In Japanese, I found out how to add Dakuon, which are little symbols that look like this: “. I have added them onto the Hiragana that start with k, and it turns the k into a g!
WW2: In this topic I have almost finished my preparation tasks, (I just have the gas masks, air raid shelter, and blackout leaflet to finish) and the ration challenge is coming up soon. Also, we are making PLANES! Model planes, of course, but PLANES NONETHELESS! I’m making a Messerschmidt, and some other people are making spitfires. (If I had the choice I would have made a Kamikaze plane.)
Business Groups: In this, me and Kohdie are making an Attack on Titan spin-off for world book day.
Hey, I’m Airen, I have a book i am reading it is called “the boy in the striped pyjamas” it is really fun and good to read, and its long as well, The story is of a boy who left his home and went to another country/place,
my book is adofhus tips it is a good book