hi its Payton here today we are learning obesely about my cooking of course me Lottie Ori and Abigail well Abigail wasn’t here so it was just me Lottie and Ori. we made lentil soup.
The Ration Challenge
All of the P6/7 class took part in this challenge. My group attempted to make lentil and bacon soup. I think we did pretty well until the bacon…. I don’t really think the bacon was cooked lets hope I don’t get salmonella. The potato tasted a little undercooked…but on group cooked fish so I think they might win( I tasted their fish they’re definetally going to win) . We also made buttered bread I tried to spread it but it was really hard to spread even when I crushed it to make it softer. It was really hard to cook within 1 hour there was so much to do in such little time.
February 21st 2023 P6/7 WW2 Ration Challenge
today, P6/7 will be competing to win the WW2 Ration Challenge. My group is Lottie, Payton, me and Abigail. Our dish was a lentil soup. Here’s how we made it.
- Firstly, we diced the onions.
- Then we peeled and diced the carrots and potatoes.
- After we diced the potatoes and carrots, we then put half a lump of butter in the pan and let it melt.
- Next, we slowly cooked the onions until they were starting to caramelise.
- whilst the onion was cooking, we diced the bacon.
- next, we added the bacon, carrots and potatoes.
- after about five minutes, we added most of the bag of lentils.
- next we added the hot water.
- let it sit for about twenty minutes, stirring every three to four minutes.
- once it has started to thicken, make sure the bacon, carrots and potatoes are well cooked.
- serve with buttered bread.
that is all from me, bye1
ration challenge
Today it was the ration challenge and we cooked bacon and potato soup.
We had to use potato’s,onions,carrots,bacon,stock.
Once the soup was done the judges get to taste and decide who wins.
After the judges tasted it we got to eat it and it was amazing.
My cooking, By Jullien
This week, we have been learning to make air-planes from WW2, we have been making models of them, and we have been reading novels of WW2, we have also begun a sum dog challenge to complete 1000 questions correctly.
kye life at school
First in the morning we do working or dancing or fit February .we just started fit February to day after that we do spelling well I do nessy spelling then we do ww2 novel 15 mins then we do preparation tasks then maths then ww2 planes.
Hi Its Kohdie and today I’m going to tell you about my learning again so we have been reading these novels about ww2 I’m listening to one on a computer because its easier its about a grandma and a boy named Michel but the grandma calls him bowie and they were very upset because the grandad just died a few months ago in the first parts of the story so the grandma and Michel went on this bike called Harley and drove on it.
I have also been learning more about ww2 and about rations and blackout and gas masks. e
First :we have computer science we were doing the speaking part in the podcast.
After: We have p.e we were not listening last week so we had to do a questionnaire about cross country that was so fun
Now:stem it was fine
art ok
my learning!
Hi its Rory and Im gonna be talking about my learning
Yesterday (13/02/23) we started making model spitfires and Messerschmitt from ww2 to put up on the wall as display i havent got that much progress done because Im kinda struggling.
The whole class got a ww2 novel to read mine is called the amazing story of Adolphus Tips but when i finish that im gonna read another one that i dont know the name of.
Thats all i have time to do for today bye!!!