Alrrrr who is it?! ITS RHONAAA! (cringe)

Hii! Im backkk and I have a good few things to say! So first of all, we ended our WW1 topic and now we’re on WW2 which is pretty cool cuz as well as that we r doing like, this making planes and i’m making a German mezzsurshmit or however u spell it. ALSO I do remember i was meant to go home like, last post and post what i was gonna talk about but then my mum was on the computer so i couldn’t do it :CC

Also the thing i was gonna say basically doesn’t matter and its really petty to talk about it on here lol but imma say it anyways so SOME PEOPLE  (Looking at you, Jackson and pepe) have been copying my TITLES like Eg, ITS RHONAAAA :DDD and Jackson posted after ITS JACKSONNN :DDD and i’m not even mad they did it i’m just kinda puzzled cuz why copy the most cringeworthy thing ever especially off me xDD WHY! Alsoooo pretty sure I got a comment from an unknown person off one of my last posts and MEH I REALLY WANNA READ IT but Miss Dale has to approve it first. :/// Oh welllll it’ll probably be fineee.

OOOO and u know the bookthief book? Probably not bc i didnt talk about it lol but like, U most likely seen it from Ori bc we r reading the same thing but its really good so far even though i normally despise reading bc people give me stuff to read instead of letting me CHOOSEEE because I have a really bad attention span heh and I always read them on auto pilot then forget what happens XD

I have to gooo! I will cya alr!

BYEE!-Rhona C:


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