Ration challenge :]

hello its Ramani here we were doing a ration challenge it is where you cook a dish for four people but you have to use ingredients from world war two. we had a group  of four or two or three so i got a group of four i was with Rhona Freddie jackson  we made potato and bacon soup with a side of trout and potatoes   it was very nice.


Whats goodddd Rhonas back C: and i have some pretty EXCITING news!! So, basically we did this ration challenge thingy where we have to use ww1 rations to make a meal and you know what :>> I honestly think my team won! :DDD When we were choosing teams I wassss gonna go with Ori, Lottie and Payton but then I was like what the heckk so i went with Ramani Jackson and Freddie… heh. SO anyways, after I went with them everyone was saying about our team that we would lose and everythinggg and we wouldnt make anything niceee BUT then Ramani gave us his dads recipe for soup and then Freddie gave us a fish! (Trout). Fast forward after a bunch of stress and Gordon Ramsay-ing, we had finally made our dish, Miss Dale and Mrs Gray LOVED it, said Freddies fish was cooked perfectly and MWA. I am very very proud of our group and honestly dont mean to brag, (yes i do) but i honestly think we won! :DDD

Alr so i gtg :C but i WILL update you if we win OK! :>>>

BYE!!! -Rhona


ration challenge

for the ration challenge I made lentil soup with Noah we used lentil carrot onion salt  butter and bacon. I didn’t like it that much but Noah did and who ever wins it gets a wooden spoon that says holywood ration challenge 2023. 

Ration challenge

hi its Jackson here and we done the ration challenge i was in a group with Ramani, Rhona and Freddie  we made fresh trout and potato and bacon  soup I didn’t really like the soup but the trout was good



by jackson






Hi its Freddie we done ration challenge on 21st of February. Ration challenge is where you have to make food for 4 with the food that was rationed in ww2. My group was Rhona, Ramani and Jackson. We made potato and bacon soup and trout and potato. I made the trout and potato.

Ration Challenge!


The other day we made food using rations from WW2. I was in a group with Daniel, Kohdie and Airen. We made a sort of soup, I guess you could call it. The picture below is what happens when some amateurs try making soup out of tomatoes, potatoes, mincemeat, and onions.

JAANE! -Caspian


hi its Rory and today 21/02/23 p6/7 done ration challenge!

what is ration challenge?

Ration challenge is where you get in a partner or group and make food for a family of four with food that would of been rationed in world war 2

what to do before you start

in the ration challenge you don’t just start cooking stuff first you need a plan what I mean by that is right what you need and what your making on a piece of paper

what i done

I was partners with jullien and what we done was potatoes carrots eggs and pigs in blankets personally we thought it was good but i dont know if anybody else did.


my meal

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