Hii! Its Rhona back!! Its been a while but i do have some very nice news…. :>>> ITS MY BIRTHDAY ON 30TH OF JANUARY!!! YAH, I’M TURNING 388641!! :DD Also this year im….. im….. immm…. IMMMMM….. I’M GOING TO ROMANIA!!! :DDDD This is my first ever country i ever visited other than Scotland, England, an Wales! ALSO my first time touching an active plane and i cannae wait! CCC: ALSO! To top the cake of WOW, MISS STAPLETON HAD A BABYYY!
YAY! But unfortunately that means she wont be able to come into school for a while which is very sad. :< But on a happy note, im doggysitting this monday.C:
Ok see you!! 🙂
From Rhona :))