Here is what we did at operation safety!:
first we went to a room where we learnt about internet safety with the police. We got into 3 groups and we:
made a video about internet safety (not showing your face, not putting personal details online, etc.)
& we got a whiteboard with the alphabet on it and wrote social media platforms, video games, and online things on it.
second, we went to a room with the Scottish power energy people and learnt about being safe around it and facts.
Then we filled in a sheet to see if we were paying attention or remembered.
Third, we went to a scene where someone severely hurt themself on an electric thing, and the guy was funny.
We learned about what to do in this situation and the abc method (a= airway, b= breathing, c= circulation).
Afterwards, we went to a water safety room where we found out what to do when we are drowning or if someone is in need of help.
Fun fact- the average Scottish water temperature is approx. 12°C!
We afterwards went to an all about me youth place where we wrote down on a piece of paper who our role models/ people we look up to are and why. Then, we wrote down:
People we’d go to if we needed help
Something else
What we are good at
What we like about ourselves
Then, we were finding out about fireworks.
We were playing a game, where we threw a cardboard “firework,” and there was things down a line, and at the end was a mother and baby. we were supposed to throw it as far down the rope it was attached to without hitting the mother & baby. If we hit them we lost all our points.
Fun facts about fireworks!:
The sparkler is more dangerous than a bonfire or rocket
It’s 20 times hotter than a kettle of boiling water