Learning At Holywood

Hello! How are you guys doing today? 

In Big Thursday we are doing our usual four subjects.

The subjects that we are doing are: POP ART, DRAMA, OUTDOOR LEARNING and P.E.

P6/7 start with pop art and we are focusing on a different kind of  art each week. Obviously, it is still pop art but so far we have done word art. Word art is a word in the middle of a page and then we decorated the outside of the word in patterns and colours. We have a rule that we only use three colours to colour in the whole picture. Then last week and the week before we were focusing on drawing a person in the style of Roy Lichtenstein. So his style is the face made of dots really close together and the hair was coloured in. When you drew the face you had to draw the face really big.

Then we go to drama were we are focusing on re-enacting stories and our story is about a man who saved his people from a horrid beast called a Minator. We also did a game called  television interview where we are interviewing Theseus who is the hero of Greece and Ariadne who is the betrayed princess of the isle of Crete. 

Next we go to outdoor learning were we are learning how to tie knots and make catapults. MY CATAPULT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, we go to p.e, where we are learning a variety of skills such as, throwing and catching, bating and running.

Well, I have to go now so bye!!!


learning and Queen Elisabeth

In class we have been learning about WW1 and the trenches. last week we lost 96 year old Queen Elisabeth  and yesterday her funeral was on live tv. on big Thursday we do P.E, art, drama and out door learning in P.E we play rounders and tag its really fun. in drama we listen to story’s and step out story’s tell story’s. in out door learning we learn survival skills I’m not really a fan of out door learning. in art we are drawing pop art that’s fun as well.


by Jackson


Last big Thursday in P.E we played rounders Ramani and Jackson got a home run. In outdoor learning we made sling shots. In art we are doing pop art. In drama we done an interview with our groups.

By Freddie


SO! GUESS WHAT! I got my account back. Yay. Anyway I’m gonna write about my last Big Thursday now.

P.E: In P.E we practiced throwing and catching, then had a game of Rounders.

Art: We finished our drawings of people with their face close to the paper. (I forgot the name of the artist). I did Michael Jackson.

Drama: In drama we acted out an interview with Theseus and Ariadne. I was the Interviewer, Noah was Ariadne, and Kohdie was Theseus.

Outdoor Learning: In outdoor learning we made catapults by tying knots and putting together sticks. I got shot.

That’s all. Bye. You can go now.

what we did at school on Saturday

we were cleaning the green house and painting the benches and the reading hub. me and my dad were putting up new sign up for the school it was kinda fun i liked painting the most when we were done me and Jellien made a big mad cake for a contest then we destroyed it after we one people were painting the reading hub.

Rhona’s BACK!

Hii! It’s Rhona and I’ll tell you what we have been doing in school this week and the last week!! So firstly, we got the day off school on Monday because the queen died and was getting berried. :(((

Second of all, WE GOT SORTED INTO BUSINESS GROUPS AND I’M IN THE CHARITY AND EVENTS!! :DDD Right now we are trying to organize a non uniform day full of FUN and eating CAKE and FOOD and playing GAMES!!! Only for £2!!! What a bargain! :DDD We will be using the money we make to donate to people with cancer.

So that will do it today!!! :))) I hope you have a great time…….doing whatever your doing….. heh.

By Rhona! :DDD


Big Thusday!

Last big Thursday was amazing. We start off with art were are doing Roy Lichenstein inspired i don’t know if i spelt that right.Then we do drama we are currently doing Theseus and the Minotaur i am really enjoying it. Its outdoor learning were making cannons but we weren’t aloud to do knot in the rope so it was challenging. Finally we do PE i really like PE because we are doing rounders  i really like it because i know how to play it and that means i know the rules so i can play good.

goodbye adios ciao bye

Big Thursday


Hi! This is what we did on Big Thursday:

  • In art we made pop art words with 2 similar colours and 1 contrasting colour the week before last week.
  • In Drama we were acting out interviews with characters from a Greek story.
  • in outdoor learning we were making a catapult in groups of three or four my group nearly finished.
  • in P.E we were doing things like throwing  the ball and trying to catch it at the end we played a game of rounders.
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