hi it’s
Skye & Erin
today we’ll tell about our summer holiday!!
top ten things I did in the holiday
1.I got a paddle board
2.I got a new bed (it is a double bed )
3. I bought fabulous high heels in Northern Ireland and wore them on the ferry home
4. I went to Loch Ness
5. sleeping in
6. eating breakfast in my pyjamas
9 singing how far Ill go while on the ferry
8 .swimming in Loch ken
9.no school
10. no learning
Skye’s holiday! (not in order)
1. It was my birthday!
2. I went to the Isle of Beaut!
3. I went to 2 festivals!
4. I went to the beach!
5. I got the tank ready for an axolotl!
6. I found out i’m getting an axolotl!
7. I didn’t have to get ready for school in the morning!
8. I got a new phone for my birthday!
9. My mum said Nathan isn’t a farty warthog and the he farted and said “AWEEEEYY NATHAN IS A WARTHOG MUMMY I WANT CAKE”!
10. I got LOTS of ice cream!!
lol xD