We made a bug hotel for out door learning so i’m going to tell you how to make it. You need dry wood and place it down in a nice corner and build it up and then get sticks at make a roof. Then get a smashed up plant pot and place it any where. In the hotel and and place thin sticks in the fence howl then find like plastic bottle’s bricks and diffrent type of sticks.Then you can add leaves.
Our wild life project!!!(frogs and toads)
We made a frog hotel
step 1: First dig a hole about 20 or 25 cm .
Step 2: Squeeze the pot in to the hole.
Step 3: Then put the wet mud on to the pot you might haved to do it a few times
Step 4: Then put leaves and sticks over and you are done.
out door learning
Hibernaculum for frogs and toads
step 1 ; dig a big hole about half a meter deep
Step 2 :get a pot and wet mud and mud and Water
step:3 you need: spades,pots,leaves,and mud
Step 4: stick the pole into the mud and stick it with wet mud
Step 5: You need rocks to keep it down in the mud.
The frogs will jump in the holes and be safe from predators.
We were doing wild life projects for outdoor learning. people were making hedgehog houses and dens so people could help wild life come back to our school. I cleaned and fixed the grass mat in the woods now nobody will trip and wild life wont get stuck and trapped. I loved out door learning we should do it more well i hope you liked this short bit of out door learning bye!
Bee Hotels
Hello it is James, Lewis, Reece and kye . We have made Bee Hotels . The materials you need to make a bee hotel are:
1. bamboo sticks
2. plastic bottle
3. saw.
4. screw driver
How to make a bee Hotel
First cut the top of the bottle’s
Next cut the bamboo with the saw
After that put the screw driver in the soft part of the bamboo
Finally put the bamboo in the bottle’s and find a nice spot
Now watch out for wasps and hornets
How to make a Hedgehog House by Sam, Sevi and Tanith
Hey everyone !
This is how to make a hedgehog house there are 7 steps!
Gather up some sticks.
Get some string and scissors.
Then find a secret muddy peaceful place and put your sticks down on the floor.
get your scissors and string and cut two long piece of string.
Then you need to get four of your sticks and put them in triangle.
Tie your string and sticks together.
After you have done that get the rest of your sticks the put half one side and the other half on the other side. Thats all see you next time!