Last week we went on something called Residential at Galloway activity centre! we did loads of things such as The big swing, dragon boat racing, slipping slide, paddle boarding ect. At first we had to set up our tents and eat our lunch then at 1:00 we split into groups and did Archery and Lazer tag The group I was in did Lazer tag first and then Archery. After that we went back to the camp site until our Dinner! For dinner we had Chicken nuggets and chips then berry cake for dessert. The second day we went for breakfast and then we split into groups again I did the big swing and then rock climbing after that we had to split our group into 2 groups and then half of us went to do slipping slide then paddle boarding. after that we had dinner then played a massive game of hide and seek! Then the next day we went home
Residential !
Residential was amazing we done lots of amazing stuff and we slept in a tent . We done paddle boarding , water sliding , climbing , archery , lazier tag , rock climbing , big swing and big games .
The staff were amazing and so kind the dinner lady could have been nicer but its ok . The staff all made sure every one was safe and happy .
Gala day
last Friday we had a gala here at Holywood school my group was running a snack stall at the stall we were selling crisps , red cola , popcorn and candy floss. the money earned from all of the stalls was round about £800 [still counting]
Gala day
last Friday was gala day. Gala day is a day where all the kids sell things such as: toys, food .plants and much more exciting things it was very amusing and affordable to do. We do also try to be sustainable. We all get our own stall with a group of 3-5 people. There wore a bunch of stalls and things to do during gala day because . i believe school favourite was the baking stall . We also got to throw sponges at people who volunteered (Miss dale got some thrown at her). We also raised a hole load of money for the school ! .
After gala day had finished we did infact clean up after ourselves and made sure no tables wore left out . Thank you to all the people who came to gala day!.
Gala day!
On Friday we had something called gala day. Gala day is a day where everybody is in a group and they make up a stall such as Ice cream, Toy stall, Tombola, slushies and more! I was with Kaitlyn Hannah and Contijn we did a slush stall and a through the sponge stall. For the trough the sponge stall we had a list of people that wanted to do it such as Ramani, Payton, Miller, Bailey, Liam and more. The big deal was when Miss Dale had a turn we had at least 20-30 people lined up to through sponges at her it was really funny! Also Kaitlyn paid £10 to dump a bucket of water on her head and Miss Dale got soaked! Also the slush stall got loads of money too. You could get the flavour Blue raspberry or Strawberry but most people went for Blue raspberry!
gala day
last week P5-7 went to Galloway activity centre from Monday to Wednesday and this is how it went.
on the first day we did laser tag and archery in laser tag I hide behind a tree for half the game and got a ton of people out it was fun but the second round my gun didn’t even work. The teachers even joined in with laser tag! there was people who would just shoot you as soon as you got back in the game and i found that pretty annoying but i still had fun. in archery I hit a bulls eye two times in a row then i was just able to hit the red and the blue part of the target after that. trying to get to sleep in a tent was horrible it was absolutely freezing i was that cold i went to sleep withe my jacket on with to sleeping bags and i was still freezing.
in the morning i god woke up by someone singing at six o’clock in the morning! what i had for breakfast was toast with chocolate spread. after we had breakfast we had to get ready for water sports after that our group got split in two smaller groups some of us went to do paddle boarding the other half went to the big water slide. My group went to the big water slide only two people were aloud down at once when i walked up to the start of the water slide i got soaked with freezing cold water by one of the members of staff it was quite fun he was also pouring massive 5 litre tubs of soap down the slide and and on some of the people going down the slide. we were there for about an hour then then the two groups switched over we had to go in partners for paddle boarding. It was quite hard to get on the board because as soon as you went to get on it it felt like it was going to fall over anyways when me and my friend both got on the paddle board it was really wobbly after we had got the hang of the boards we started heading into the deeper part of the loch then I dipped my paddle in the water and it didn’t touch the bottom! After water sports we went for lunch. after lunch my group went to the 3G swing the highest swing in Scotland it is 40 foot tall! as it was coming down I got a horrible feeling in my stomach.
Gala day
Hello Contijn again. This blog is about Gala day. A few weeks ago me Hannah, Olivia and Kaitlyn started with our ideas for gala day. We wanted to do some sponge throwing and have slushies so we did both ! we started with our design and started with making a frame (we never used it) . After a while we found out that it wasn’t really working so we wanted to do a wash line with a tarpaulin on top but it was to windy so we did it on the side of the greenhouse.
The day (Gala day)
We had our blender ready to go and had a cool box filled with ice and we started. It went really fast we had 4 customers for sponge throwing in 5 minutes !!! The slushies worked good as well. After a while we doubled the price because miss Dale was up for sponge throwing
The end of gala day
We sold some more slushies and I made a extra £5 pounds at the end because miss Dale wanted to empty a bucket with cold water on my head .
(I had a nice Slushie at the end)
– Contijn
the primary 5-7’s went to Galloway activity Centre from May 30th to June the 1st. we went on the bus their in the morning. When we got off one person from every 3 had to pick up a tent and bring it to where we wore setting up . After Miss Staple ton and miss Pattie told us where to pitch our tents We all went to our spot and set them up. The teachers set us up into two groups and they both did different things on the first day one group did archery and the other group did laser tag then we switched so that every group got a shot doing each off the activity’s. For dinner we got chicken nuggets and chips and we had the option off beans . there was also a big clubhouse that is where we ate dinner and the bathrooms wore in there. It was good because when it was to rainy we got to stay in there. On the last night it was extremely rainy and we had to stay in the clubhouse until we choose to go the bed
the Activity’s
archery: One of the first activity we did was archery. We all got into a team off four and gave our group a name after the groups went up in turns to try and shoot at the target. We also played a game called pizza all the groups went up in turns as usual but this time we wore aiming to make a pizza all the targets meant a different thing .
laser tag: When we went to laser tag the first thing we did was get a gun the guns also had head sets so when somebody died the gun would say something like “man down” or just make a beeping noise and the headset would flash red. There wore two teams the red team and the blue team. the instructor had the ability to revive us with her special reviving gun.
paddle boarding: One of the water activity’s was paddle boarding we had to get into a two and go on to the same paddle board the person in the back had there ankle strapped with a strap and it was attached to a wire so if the person feel off they wouldn’t float to far away. We also wore body suits and life jackets so we would float if we feel in.
Slip n slide: The slip n slide also known as a water slide was a big slide going down the hill it had soup and bubbles in it and people went to quite quick there wore to slides so people wore racing.
rock climbing: At residential there was also a big rock climbing wall so got attached to a Harness and had to try to go to the top where there was a button. If we clicked it it would make a buzzing noise and we jumped down.
The big swing: The big swing was a massive swing u went on with two other people. A string would lift u up and then a guy would count u down after the swing went very high in the air and then came down.
BOAT RACING: The last activity we did was boat racing we had to put safety jackets on. And raced against the other group that was there . We all got into teams and so did the other school after we had to collect a paddle and hop on a boat two people on one seat. Luckily nobody tipped over. I think the other school won .