
My book is the secret of the black moon moth.

In the prologue some one gets stabbed by a robber he steels a half book.

In chapter one there  is a lecture about bats.

In chapter two they meet Wilfred and he shows them a biscuit tin which has a skull and carving.

In chapter three they talk about the moon moth.

It has a bunch of professors in it.

The story begins in London.


More to follow soon…


By Noah

tiger tiger

hello we are going to be talking about tiger tiger. We read it in the morning for Eric .Two tiger cubs  get captured by two men theirs also more animals like bears dogs monkeys jackals elephants. A tiger cub spends all night in a dark box in the city.


by payton

the secret of the black moon moth

the secret of the black moon moth it is set in a rocky cave. two of the characters are professor gadling and professor gauntraker. at the start of the book someone gets stabbed  and there was a lecture about deadly bats and there was a biscuit tin with a human skull in it

Rise of Wolves

Hello. It’s me. Caspian. Today I have the shivers and am going to tell you about the first 3 main events in the book: Rise of Wolves


1: The main character, Innis, hears and sees wolves.

2: Innis introduces us to his friend Katrina, who doesn’t believe him about the wolves.

3: Innis goes home to his Grandfather.

Characters: Innis is a 13 year old boy, who lives on the Isle of Nin.

Katrina is Innis’s 3rd cousin removed and neighbor, also an environment protector.

Lachlan Geddes is Innis’s worst enemy. He tried to throw Innis off a boat and a cliff. He is 15 years old.

Innis’s Grandfather (nicknamed Gramps) has Parkinson’s disease, and is the only person who lives on Nin to live with Innis.


The Isle of Nin is a very hummocky and marshy landscape. There are many cliffs surrounding it. It contains the Bonnie Laddie’s Leap, which is a legend stating whoever can jump the gap of about 2 meters will become Laird of Nin.



We are doing Eric i am reading about voyage of the sparrowhawk i am on chapter 6 they are a girl called Lotti  she is the main charctor Ben and lotti  she seal a dog  Malachy sam and Ben lived in a orphanage sam and Ben went on a walk at the orphanage and they meet someone what is called Nathan what was very nice he thet them stay at the sparrowhawk what is a boat.

Tiger Tiger

hello, today we will be talking about a book that I have been reading recently in ERIC. It is called… (drumroll please) tiger tiger! (smattering of distant applause). It is about two tiger cubs that have been kidnaped by some two-legs (humans, but they call them two – legs in the book- oh, no spoilers)  and their mother (their big one)  has been killed. Then the younger tiger cub gets taken to have his fangs drawn and then he goes to the emperor of Rome, but he gives it to his daughter who loves him immediately and calls him Boots. His brother, however, gets taken to the circus to fight other animals or humans as entertainment for the emperor. And from there on I will not give any more spoilers incase you would like to read it too. Also, it is by Lynne Reid Banks. We done a task that included illustrating the first four chapters of the book. I am doing chapter 2  and that is where the emperor’s daughter gets Boots the tiger.

That’s all from me for a now  BYE! O §¶ß these are the special characters that I put beside my name.


We are doing ERIC and I am reading VOYAGE of the SPARROWHAWK this story takes place in in England in world war 1919. The main characters are Ben and Lotti Ben is the main one that lived in a orphanage with Sam  he lives in the Sparrow hawk and Lotti is the one that stole the dog Federico from Malachy Campbell the most famous crook.

In chapter one Lotti sneaks in with Federico in the Sparrow Hawk and Nathan the one that is in charge of the Sparrow Hawk and takes care of Sam and Ben dies 8 months ago when Sam was in the Hospital and Sam went missing.

Chapter 2 when Lotti stole Malachy dog Federico and how she stole it.

Chapter 3 when Lotti’s uncle and auntie looked after her because her mom and dad were a way on holiday when Lotti was sick and they died in a plane crash.

And thats what happens about VOYAGE of the SPARROW HAWK.

By Esmae

The Rise of the Wolves

Hey, I’ve been reading The Rise of the Wolves! Its set on the island of Nin, in Scotland. The three main characters are a young boy named Innis, A young girl named Kat and another young boy named Lachlan. First Innis is walking back home when he hears a howl. He thought it was just someone messing with him until he hears another one, and this time he knew it wasn’t a person. He started to walk again, until he saw a silhouette of a wolf! And that’s just one of the main events. The next one is where Innis manages to get back to his house where we find his granddad. we then learn that Innis’s parents don’t work on the island therefore Innis doesn’t see them that much. Then we find out that Innis’s granddad has Parkinson’s disease. Innis then goes up a hill with Kat  where Innis finds the Bonnie laddie’s leap! This is where Bonnie prince Charlie jumped over a indent in the side of a cliff, to escape the soldier that were chasing him.

By Kaitlyn

The rise of wolves

I have been reading the rise of wolves I have got two page 81 so far and it is a pretty good book i recommend it to people who like reading.  The main characters are Innis and Kat.  The three main events so far have been Innis spotting  a wolf  ,Innis telling us about his back story. And his granddad having Parkinson’s and going to an animal sanctuary with a very unfriendly owner who threatens Kat and Innis with a gun. the books chapters are very short but the book is still quite long.

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