PE: In pe we have been doing orienteering. Last week Mrs Mcnay set up a course we had to do . She used cones to set it up as we are in fact aloud to use them during pe since they are very useful tools. We all got a partner to do the course with. The way the course worked is everybody got a clipboard, squared paper, and a pen How ever what we didn’t know is we needed blue red yellow and green. After We had to draw the circles in the correct order with the correct colours. After we had to do the course with our new map. We did the course with out partner.
Art: Recently In art we have been doing perspective painting. We have been learning to kinds of this . my favourite one is when we get a small piece of paper We must draw a line in the middle of the paper. Once we have our line (witch is drawn our neatly with a ruler ) We must draw a circle small and black. After we draw some shapes these are used as our tops. Then we draw a few lines going down and into the hole. with a ruler. i suggest drawing a square to start with as it is the easiest shape to do. You may colour them in . Add a light that comes in this could be the sun or even a torch Were the light is shining is were you must make the drawing lighter. were it has less light u make it dark.
textiles Textiles is a thing involving sewing. We use things (witch i have forgot the name of) Some of the stitch we do are; the cross stitch(in this stitch you must go side ways all the way to the end. After you do it again but the other way then you should have a x like shape) , back stitch (in this stitch you go forward and then you go back do this a few times until you reach the end or were u want it to end) these are only some of the many stitch. last week we wore doing book marks with our names on them.
computer science: This term in computer science we have been doing something a bit different then usual because this term we wore doing dance mat. Dance mat is a typing the first thing we learn are the home keys these keys are in the middle : a s d f g h j k l ;. WE start by learning were to place our things. We must have 2 hands and 4 fingers on the left side we would have ; A S D F and on the right it is;J K L ; . Now that we have learned the basics We learn switching to switch to g or h you must find out what side they are on after you switch the finger that is closest to it on the left you would come your pointer finger of witch is on the f to the g or on the right you would switch your pointer finger from j to h.
– Alexa