Hello from Isolation

Hi Team Holywood – I hope you are all well!

I am on Day 5 of my Covid Isolation and luckily only a slight fuzzy head like a cold at them moment.

I have been working on a Primary Engineering Course and reading about Habits of Mind…How to get all of our pupils thinking like engineers, being creative and solving problems.

As part of the course I get a chance to interview Mr Queen (aka Coach) as he is an engineer!


I have also been looking for ways to redesign our classrooms for creative learning.  And the seniors wanted more indoor plants in class!

Thought you were all fantastic on the Border News – although Caspian made some stand out statements – thank you Caspian!

Stay safe and well,

Miss Dale

tree planting

Last Friday we wore planting trees in a local area. We walked there. Sam showed us how to plant them then we got into groups and set off. We are doing this this Monday too(today when im writing this)

We wore doing this for the queens anniversary(platinum jubilee). This was very exciting. there Wore plenty of people there. The most exciting bit was when a camera crew came to interview our school.  People like: Caspian, Olivia and even Erin Got interviewed. They asked questions like why are you doing this?  answer: For the queens jubilee. Tell us what trees are you planting? Answer; mainly oak trees i believe but also native trees.

the queen loves natural forests These trees will one day grow into beautiful big trees and they will no longer be small. Trees are very helpful to us they produce oxygen and make it easier for us to breath. The queen loves natural forests That is why she wants us all the plant a tree this year for her jubilee. Alas not all people can. That is why there are places to plant trees.

All thought trees are important for oxygen people make so any things out of these Trees are very helpful to us they produce oxygen and make it easier for us to breath. Yet not all trees live some people cut down these trees to make things like paper, sponges and even hair dye! All thought trees are important for oxygen people make so any things out of these.

by;Alexa and Erin


Tree Planting!

Hello! It’s Caspian!

Recently, the people and pupils of Holywood have been planting trees for the queen’s platinum jubilee! We had a news team there too, and a few pupils got interviewed! Including me! Anyway, we are planting more trees this afternoon. So far we have planted some oak trees, probably a bit more than 100. The news with us on it either was on last night or is on tonight.


Tree planting!!!!

Last Friday and today after lunch we are going tree planting  with the whole school behind the church to make a new woodland. We went on itv  i didn’t get interviewed tho. On big Thursday we start off with Miss Pattie with computer science learning touch keys we are also practising typing emails. Then Miss Stapleton with art we are doing perspective drawings. After that it’s Mrs Mc’Nae we do PE with her we are doing orientation. Last we have Mrs Jardine we are doing textiles and we are sewing book marks. 


learning 07/02/2022



On Friday we were planting trees with Sam and the other people there. On Saturday, some of us were also planting trees. Me and my mum were planting cherry saplings on Saturday.

On Thursday we found a new typing game in computer science.
We were orienteering in PE, with some warm-up games. 
We were drawing vanishing point cities in art.
We were making bookmarks or names in textiles. I was making one for Nathan.

We still have our World religion topic. Me and Alexa have finished our poster and diorama. I think we have also finished our model. It is a model of the inside of a synagogue.

We have spelling workout as first thing in the morning on most days.

We are planting trees again this afternoon.




In IDL we were learning about bones in the human body when you were a baby you had 300 bones when you get older bones start going away when you are a adult  adult you have 200 bones the one in your head is called the skull  my favroute one is the spine my second favroute one is the ribcage

Big thursday

PE: In pe we have been doing orienteering. Last week Mrs Mcnay set up a course we had to do . She used cones to set it up as we are in fact aloud to use them during pe since they are very useful tools. We all got a partner to do the course with. The way the course worked is everybody got a clipboard, squared paper, and a pen How ever what we didn’t know is we needed blue red yellow and green. After We had to draw the circles in the correct order with the correct colours. After we had to do the course with our new map. We did the course with out partner.

Art: Recently In art we have been doing perspective painting. We have been learning to kinds of this . my favourite one  is when we get a small piece of paper  We must draw a line in the middle of the paper. Once we have our line (witch is drawn our neatly with a ruler ) We must draw a circle small and black. After we draw some shapes these are used as our tops. Then we draw a few lines going down and into the hole. with a ruler. i suggest drawing a square to start with as it is the easiest shape to do. You may colour them in . Add a light that comes in this could be the sun or even a torch Were the light is shining is were you must make the drawing lighter. were it has less light u make it dark.

textiles Textiles is a thing involving sewing. We use things (witch i have forgot the name of) Some of the stitch we do are; the cross stitch(in this stitch you must go side ways all the way to the end. After you do it again but the other way then you should have a x like shape) , back stitch (in this stitch you go forward and then you go back do this a few times  until you reach the end or were u want it to end)  these are only some of the many stitch. last week  we wore doing book marks with our names on them.

computer science: This term in computer science we have been doing something a bit different then usual because this term we wore doing dance mat. Dance mat is a typing the first thing we learn are the home keys these keys are in the middle : a s d f g h j k l ;. WE start by learning were to place our things. We must have 2 hands and 4 fingers on the left side we would have ; A S D F and on the right it is;J K L ; . Now that we have learned the basics We learn switching to switch to g or h you must find out what side they are on after you switch the finger that is closest to it on the left you would come your pointer finger of witch is on the f to the g or on the right you would switch your pointer finger from j to h.

– Alexa

My Tamogotchi

hey my tamogotchi has returned to its home planet 🙁 noooooooooooooooo

my old one is called CoClough

my new one is called Ben Ben

when CoClough returnened home I pressed the reset button and i got Ben Ben

(. .)

Big Thursday

Recently in big Thursday we have been doing art,computer science,PE and sowing! my favourite is probably sowing even know I like them all.The classes  The p6/7 do in order is  is computer science,art,PE then sowing. In computer science we have been playing a game and recently we have been sending emails to people on the computer like Hello how are you? what are you having for lunch? etc. In art we are doing point of view, it is really fun. In PE we are doing orienteering, its where you have a partner ( or not ) and go around finding clips and stamping them onto a piece of paper with all the numbers on them! Finally sowing, recently we have been doing book marks with our name on them! Its really fun.

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