Learning with RHONA! (That’s the new name now.)

Hi! It’s Rhona back! I will tell you what we have been learning! So. The new topic is……… (Drum roll please) RELIGIOUS STUDIES! (Yay!) So me and Erin are doing our project on Buddhists. So far it’s really fun and in one of the books we saw the Samey Ling Buddhist temple we went to a while ago in one of them! We are learning about karma and reincarnation right now! Ok, see you soon! (I’ll keep you posted.)

From Rhona! 😀

World Religions

hello, I’m back again and I’m going to talk about what we have been doing for IDL. We have been learning about world religions! You may think that it sounds boring but honesty its not that bad. Everyone is doing separate religions, the religions are Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Christianity and Hinduism! Me and my partner are learning about Islam, it is very interesting there’re lots to learn about Islam!


By Kaitlyn!


In class we have been learning about world religions. Olivia and me have been doing christian. we have learned that church may be open everyday but definitely a Sunday because Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday. We had to make a poster and we found lots of facts in books and on the computer. We think it is very interesting and fun to learn about. On the poster we have to put an even amount of pictures and facts.    


Recently in school we have been doing religions, Firstly you had to pick a partner and do a puzzle sheet. Then Miss Dale wrote every religion and folded them up. After that every partner came and took one out not knowing which religion it was, When it came to my turn I picked out Christianity which was the one i wanted. Then Miss Dale gave us a task sheet with some things to do, There was a poster about the religion a diorama and a Model! And when we are finished we are showing it to the p1/3


Hi, recently Ori and me   have been looking at the religion Hinduism and its really interesting. Miss Dale have given us a task sheet and we have to complete it and right now we are making a poster about Hinduism and its coming on quite well. Ori and I are a great partnership . We have some facts here’s one of them :

Did you know that Hindus believe that marriage is a sacred duty that god expects them to do?     

Cursive hand writing

Writing in cursive has really helped to improve my hand writing. I have been learning how to cursive for half a year now. i have finally mastered cursive. my hand writing used to be really messy now it looks second level.

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