Big thursday

At holywood we do somthing called big thursday. In big thursday we do four subjects out door learning , computer scince , PE and drama and story telling.


In comuter scince we do somthing called scratch. Sratch is a coding website. On our last subject we learned how to make a game. There was three types of games we could make a pong game , clicker game and a chase game. I made a chase game. There is two charecters a chaser and a runer alot of people liked it.


Last thursday in out door learning we went up the woods. We already had a den up there. we made a huge fence around it there is more than one den in the fence.  There is two dens and a shop in the fence.  our den Is primary 5/7 ONLY. We are at war with an other den.


In drama and story telling we were learning scotish myths , telling them and acting the out. We were learnig a story about a boy named asypattel the story is about a sea monster invading the kindom and the boy asypattel saved the kindom.


In PE we are learning how to play hockey we were mainly learn hocky skills we have recenlty been playing hocky games me and my team win most of them. There is five in each team.


by liam


Hello! we have been learning about plants, Germination and photosynthesis. Lets get started!


What is Germination? Germination is when a seed starts to grow into a plant. Germination has to happen for a plant to grow. Germination needs the right conditions to happen, the needs for germination are : Oxygen, water and the correct temperature. Some seeds need extreme heat like a forest fire or just above freezing.

Here is a photograph of a Germination sketchnote :


Photosynthesis is when the plant takes nutrients from the sun to make food. Photosynthesis can only occur in greeen plants. The sun gives light and energy so that the plant may survive.

outdoor learning with miss jarden

On big thursday we went  up the woods with miss jarden for one hour.And we got  one hour to build our dens. Our den has five little dens in the big one it’s self. We also made it that so you have to pay tax its 12 pinecones a week. And big bits of bark are worth ten pinecones. We also made little shops to buy from. 0ur den is allineces with joe liam and josie. Joe is there shop keeper james is ares. 

By bruce :¬


On Friday  we go up the woods for a hour.  A lot  of p6/7 have got a big den up the woods there was a lot of parts of a fence so  that is around the perimeter of the den.  We have many  enemies in the woods and we declared war  on them. My friend,s dad helped make the roof on the den  some times we play in the mud and a lot  of the people get covered in mud.


The war is still raging .

By Bailey


Photosynthesis is how a plant makes food .For the plant to make its food it needs water,sunlight and carbon dioxide. The roots bring the water up to the plant to keep it hydrated and get hydrogen from the water. The food gets made in the cells of the leaves  . To make the food we take the carbon from the carbon dioxide and the hydrogen from the water then they combine and make sugar and the waste from the process is oxygen .

By Dakota


at playtime i play in the sand pit and mud kitchen and im going to do a game with everyone else if they let me join and it sounds fun. if they dont let me join i will play in the sand pit like i did today and build a sand castle in the sand pit with Abigail.  or we could play in the mud kitchen or in the woods so we can climb trees. or we can get rocks out of the pond .             

plant collectors

in school we ave been doing research on plants.But one day somthing happend miss dale told us we had to go collect plants in groups of 2 or 3.Then we went out to collect plants i was with ella but miss m helped.But there was a catch we had  to get it by the root. It was so group collected so many plants but the some how there was to many even for miss m .

The best part was When we went back inside we had to draw a picture of every 1 of the plants that we had collected it was so fun i couldnt belive my eyes .While drawing the plants people wore talking very much because why not after we did all of that we coloured them in but it had to be accurate colouring of the plant.We did copy of the plants before you ask we did i tell you we did well we had to but that isnt to point.

we did this all because of science i felt like a real plant scientest it was bvery fun collecting them.

By Alexa


Woodland break

Hello, it’s Esmae and I will be talking about what I did in the woods.  On Friday we went to the woods, I went to my den with Olivia.

Joe and Liam C held an offering market where pine cones were money and they had very good offers for sticks.  Olivia and I thought of stacking our pinecones for enormous sticks that were good for our den.  Joe and Liam C offered for a mental pole that could of been in our den.  Olivia and I had about 7 sticks I think?!?!

…and we had some fun and that’s it that what we did on Friday in the woods. Bye!


Military club

Today me and my friends have been playing a military game which is where we need to do tasks and stuff. It was really fun because we had to run up and down the hill 10 times and run to the tree house and back also they made us do in a line and they pulled a silly face and if we laughed we had to do 50 or 10 push ups. They were seeing how strong and brave we are so we could be there army for a den they have in the woods. So me and my friend joined and we made a deal that we get 25% off on there shop that they have in the woods. So up the woods we do this thing where people have shop where they sell sticks,stones,bark and mud to help with your den. And You have to pay with pine cones so me and my friend were giving them pine cones for stickes and then we started making our own shop witch is going really well!

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