Big Thursday

Hello, how are you? On Big Thursday we started of with story telling with Mrs Renno. We were acting out the story. The story was about a boy how helped kill a sea monster. Next was P.E with Miss Stapelton. We were doing some hockey, we were practising stearing with the hockey stick. Then we had computer science with Miss Pattie. We were doing animations with scratch. Me and Josie made a cat walking and a cat flying. That was fun. Finally we did outdoor learning with Mrs Jardine. We were building a teepee. I was in a group with Rhys, Josie and Sarah. We accidentally did it in the middle of the playground. By Orla.

Big Thursday

On big Thursday we had a new teacher come in to the school called Mrs Renno and she does drama and storytelling.In drama we had to stand in a circle and say our name with an action!She also told us a story about a boy named Assypattel and he defeated this giant sea serpent!we also done computer science with Miss Pattie we done animations on scratch because it has alot of cool tools that we can use to make animations! Me and orlas one had rainbow flying cat.

By Josie

Big Thursday

on big Thursday we have been doing PE,out door skills, drama and computer  science. My favourite is probably PE or out door skills but i like everything! We are doing hockey for PE its really fun. In out door skills we are making dens i was in a group with Liam Bailey and James  we are still working on our den we have a bunch of sticks and ivy. For computer science we have been on an app called scratch i was with Tumaini and Dakota it was really fun to play with  the stickers. For drama we have been playing games like park bench and role playing which is also fun


Colouring Day 🖍🖍🖍

Hello everyone, 

Today I have doing some colouring, maths for angles, partitioning and taking away, some spelling, here are all the words, 

Newspaper, Newt, Daffodil, Cabbage, Pansy, Reason, Bottle, Recycle, bicycle, Ambulance And Cookies And those are all the words. 
I also I did some reading of “The Enchanted Wood” I read chapter 21 & 22 and learnt about some Roman numerals.
I watched news round too that’s all for today see you all next time,

Goodbye have fun smile every day bye! ^_~

 neck l




The Signalman

Hi. Caspian here.

Today I did some math word problems. I also wrote a review on Charles Dickens’ book The Signalman. Here it is.

The story is about a signalman who is having strange apparitions about a red danger light. He tells someone about this. The next day the stranger came back to find the signalman had been run over by a train. The plot of this story was interesting. I like horror and mystery themed books, as they intrigue me. I like the way they scare you and make you feel suspicious about things.

I also did 10 facts about the Border Reivers.

  1. The Border Reivers were Anglo-Scots.
  2. They were raiders between the 13th and 17th centuries
  3. They raided Scotland and England.
  4. Their name means stealers.
  5. They came to their height during the 1500’s.
  6. There were many clans.
  7. It was described as an era of terror.
  8. Another name for them was pillagers.
  9. They lived on the border, hence their name.
  10. Some tribes would wield crossbows, while others, axes.

That’s all, so bye!

Newspapaer Article

Hello everyone, 

We had a French picnic by the river yesterday. I was really sleepy when we got home so I didn’t do my blog. Mama asked us to write a list of all the things we saw and ate on our picnic then we had to find the French word. It was really sweet because we saw a teenager swan as his feathers were still fluffy and had gray patches.

Today I have done a newspaper article, spelling and and some maths. My newspaper article was all about a video call I had with two of my best friends Patrick and Freddie.

My maths was “Draw A Picture To Help Solve The Following Fraction Word Problems” and I did six of them and it was very fun because I got to draw the pictures to help me and drawing the pictures was very fun for me,  

In spelling I did 12 words I will tell you all the words ” know, knee, gnat, gnaw, door, poor, because, find, kind, behind, child and last of all is children” those are the twelve words. 

I got some new shoes because my old ones were too little for me and now I am size 1. I got some really nice black big boots, Some nice black high heels ankle boots, some rainbow sparkly pumps some black pumps for school and last of all I got some very nice black school shoes.

I helped mama feed the birds after tea. They have made lots of nests in our hedge in the garden so we have to make sure they have enough food to feed the baby birds when they are born.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Smile every day and be happy and be kind. xxxxxxxxx


Hi. Caspian here.

Today I had some maths, including an example of ‘the answer is…’ and spelling. I also did some literacy and wrote down some words in their shortened states with apostrophes. These are called contractions. I am going to take my dog Idris out for a walk later with Tanith. I have been practicing using different textures in photography. I will post some pictures later to show what I mean. I took some self portraits in different textures to show how the same picture can change. I hope everyone is okay. See you soon on the call.


Picnic Le Francais

Hi. Caspian here.

Today I had my call with Mr. Laidlaw. I did some maths with him. After that we went on a picnic and wrote everything we ate and saw down in French. Here are the words I did:

Salt and vinegar crisps: Sel et vinaigre chips.

Pork and stuffing sandwich: Pork et farce sandwich.

Pork pie: Tarte

Sausage roll: Saucisse roll.

Milk chocolate: Chocolat de cygne.

Young swan: Jeunes arbres. (He had some grey feathers so we suspected he was young.).

Trees: De cygne.

River: Riviere

Rocks: Roches.

Au revoir.

Thanks for the New Subs!

Hi! Caspian here.

Before we get started on how my day was, I would like to thank everyone who subscribed to my channel. It means a lot to me .

Today I did some maths and spelling. I also did imperative verbs with Mr. Laidlaw. I did some work on Charles Dickens. I was told to provide 10 facts, so here they are:

  1. His full name is Charles John Huffman Dickens.
  2. He was born February 7 1812.
  3. He died June 9 1870.
  4. He wrote the best-selling novel A Christmas Carol.
  5. His father was put in prison.
  6. He left school to work in a factory.
  7. He wrote 15 novels, 5 novellas, and hundreds of short stories.
  8. The Pickwick Papers told people about his books.
  9. He has been praised by many writers.
  10. He was known as the giant of his age.

I am going to try and get a new profile picture on YouTube so that I look better and my channel has a custom logo.

Anyway, that is all, so bye!

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