Some work and a new family member.

Hi everyone.
I’ve done all the work on fractions and finding unit and non-unit fractions. I really got the hang of it and found the trickier ones quite easy in the end. I’ve done a spicy 5-a-day every day this week as well. I’ve also completed one of the extreme dot-to-dots. It looks like a very pretty sun or flower pattern.
I’ve had a look at the microbe presentation and started writing out the information for the information leaflet. I then did the word search, because I love word searches!

I also wanted to introduce a new family member and use this to do some writing.

This is my bearded dragon called Zen and I will be telling you a bit about him and a bit about bearded dragons.

Bearded dragons originally came from Australia. They can be found in dry, rocky semi desert regions and dry open woodlands. This means they need a warm, dry vivarium to live in, with special lighting to mimic the sun. They require 2 different lights to achieve this. One to give UVB lighting. UV allows the dragon to make Vitamin D, which is required as it allows the dragons body to absorb calcium properly. The other light is to give heat because they are cold blooded and need to bask to warm up. Not keeping them with the right lighting or temperature can lead to health issues especially with their bones.

Zen is 3 years old so he is an adult. He needs to eat lots of green vegetables like crispy salad and rocket and then has live bugs 3 times  a week. He also needs supplements that include calcium.

Zen hates mirrors or his reflection. He will go and look at one and go into defence mode. He will expand his beard and it will turn black while bobbing his head up and down. It is currently bearded dragon breeding season, so they are all extra sensitive right now. We had to hide the mirror because it can stress them out when seeing another bearded dragon. They like to bob their head up and down to say they are the boss. They are solitary animals. People do try and keep them together, but they really shouldn’t as they can really harm each other.

He likes to go around licking different things like clothes, people and his decorations/house in his enclosure. Bearded dragons like to lick different objects, plants or people because that is their way of feeling different textures. They will also stick their tongue out to smell their surroundings better.

Bearded dragons have a third eye that detects shadows and movement. It isn’t like an actual eye ball, but a small organ on the top of his head. This is because they are a prey species and this helps them detect movement of predators above them. When we try pet Zen on his head, he will sometimes close his eye – this is him saying no thank you, I’m not a fan of that.

Zen loves to sleep. We turn all the lights out at night time. This is to mimic the day and night cycle where bearded dragons come from. It gets a lot cooler during the night and their bodies need this cycle to have proper body function. We like to put him to bed at half eight and wake him up at eight to half eight.

Stay safe everyone!
Bye for now

4 Replies to “Some work and a new family member.”

  1. Thanks Cleo – a really interesting piece on Zen your dragon. I learned a lot! I particularly like when you relate the facts directly to Zen and we get a more personal insight into your dragon.
    Great selection of vocabulary chosen and detailed descriptions make it easy for the reader to understand the world of Bearded Dragons and Zen in particular.

    Thanks Cleo – stay well!

  2. Looking forward to seeing your Microbes leaflet when it’s finished Cleo. I thought lots of you would like doing the wordsearch. Had you heard of some of the bad bugs in it?
    Amazing information about Zen. You certainly know him very well already! Lots of things I didn’t know, thank you for teaching me. Great quality photo of Zen, he looks relaxed just like his name suggests!

  3. I’m really pleased about the non-unit fractions Cleo -particularly because I’m sure that’s an area you put down as a target as you weren’t so confident. We will need to check when you get back to school.

  4. Hi Cleo,
    Well, I am confident that Zen has found a perfect new home, as you have really done your research. Great job. Our snake uses its tongue in the same way as a bearded dragon. Thanks for sharing the pictures, Zen looks full of character!

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