Rise of the Infected

Hi all,

Sorry you couldn’t hear me on the call. Everything was fine on my second call today so I’m not sure what was wrong. Hopefully it will work next time.

I have written a story today. I hope you like it.

                   Rise Of The Infected  

 “Well, this is it. The last place Georgie Piggy was seen.” He heard someone trampling in bushes. “What was that sound?” He saw a Piggy family member holding a baseball bat. The officer was told if they saw a member of Georgie’s family that he should ask them about where Georgie might be. He noticed this member was the older sister, Penny. “Um…Penny? I have a few questions…” The officer started to question Penny. “For starters, why are you holding a baseball bat at the middle of the night?” Wait…She might have been watching the Premier League…. The officer thought. “Secondly, do you have any idea where Georgie is? Is there any places he might have gone to…?” The officer continued to question Penny. Penny just stood there, holding her baseball bat and twitching slightly. This is weird…Why isn’t she talking? And why are her eyes black? One is red… The officer was confused. He had never seen anything like this. And then, Penny lunged out and hit the officer on the head with her bat, knocking him out. “Where am I? I need to get out of here!” The officer said. He found a key, and used it on the colour coded door. He then found more, and eventually escaped. “Maybe I can get help at the station!” The officer said. 

He drove with the last of his cars fuel to the station. No one was there, but the speaker came on. “Attention! There is a monster in the station! Get to the garage now!” The officer noticed that voice, it was his friend Doggy’s voice. “I need to help Doggy now!” The officer said. But not too long later, while he was opening doors, Penny and Georgie’s mother started chasing after them. Eventually he got the gas and rode with Doggy down the road. “You were lucky I was here on my day off, my friend.” Doggy said. “And YOU were lucky I brought the gas, Doggy.” The officer responded. “Touche, touché.” Doggy replied.  

An hour later, they arrived outside the gallery. “We’re out of gas, and completely surrounded!” Doggy said. “Looks like we’ll have to go through the gallery.” The officer quoted. They were surrounded by a teacher, the Piggy family’s parents, and Sheepy, a friend of the Piggy family. “Phew! That was a close one!” Doggy said when they got outside. “Your detective skills could come in handy more than ever now!” Doggy told the officer. “Yeah, remember that arrest in the alleys? Being chased by Rash was hard to deal with!” The officer replied. “The forest could be safe enough for us. Lets go there!” Doggy said.  

A month later after they arrived at the forest, Doggy disappeared. The officer remembered seeing someone in a grey shirt and beret. He thought it was a horse or a Pony… Then he asked: “Doggy? Where are you!” He walked around trying to get a grasp on what happened. And then, Sheepy started chasing after him! “Oh no, not another infected!” He ran around opening things, when suddenly, he saw Doggy, wandering around, “Doggy? What happened to you?” Doggy had turned infected. The officer escaped, and saw a walkie talkie on the ground. It relayed a message. “Hello? Is anyone there?” The officer had heard that voice on TV before, but couldn’t put his finger on who it was. It relayed another message, “I need you to rescue my friend from the school. He went in, hoping to find something. But, the teacher who was surrounding him had followed him there. The officer ran and ran, and opened a door with an assortment of books. He saw a Bunny, she held a crossbow and knocked out the teacher. They ran to the escape, and met who was on the walkie talkie. It was around then he noticed Bunny had an eyepatch, and the person on the walkie talkie was Mr. P, a very rich man. He wore a monocle, a suit and a hat. There was a flower on that hat. A daisy to be exact. He also had a small, combed moustache. “Good, we have what we need.” Mr. P said. “I don’t feel too good.” The officer said, as he fainted. He woke up briefly, seeing Bunny transporting him somewhere on a hospital bed. “Don’t worry officer! We’ll help you!” Bunny said. He fell asleep again. He woke up firmly this time. “Where is everyone?” The officer asked. “On a helicopter on the roof. It’s not safe here anymore” Bunny said. The officer could see that, because the main doctor, Beary, had got infected! The surgeon Katie might have got out in time. When they got on the roof, they saw no helicopter. Just a note that said: I’m sorry. But this is for our own good. ~Mr. P 

“You coming Bunny? I think we’ll have a better chance of getting out in the metro, they have trains after all!” The officer shouted to Bunny, who was still reading the note. “Yeah, coming” She replied.  

Once they got into the metro, Bunny laid down her crossbow and sat down by a pillar. “I need to rest a little.” Bunny said. “OK! But I will need to use your crossbow in case we come by any infected. And sure enough, there was an infected. A Zompiggy. “Oh great!” The officer said, knocking out Zompiggy, and opening the train. “Bunny, are you coming with me?” The officer asked. “Mr. P gave me a potion, I drank it…” Bunny started. “Bunny…Come with me we can still stop him!” The officer interrupted. “No, I’m becoming infected, you continue and stop Mr. P.” Bunny replied. “Okay…” The officer said his goodbyes and took the train to Mr. P’s carnival. “You better be read 

Mr. P. I’m coming for you.” The officer said sternly. He opened the doors, and a clown working at the carnival who was infected, started chasing him. Then he opened a cage with an infected inside, that one seemed not to mind him, like when Doggy got infected. He grabbed the white key from in the cage, and escaped. “Mr. P, I’m here to- Who are you?!” There were 2 people standing there. A Pony, and a zebra. “Uh, Zizzy? Are they infected?” The Pony asked. “Pony, the infected don’t talk!” The zebra said. “Right, I knew that!” The Pony replied. “I’m Zizzy, and this is Pony. Who might you be?” Zizzy asked. She was a zebra in a purple dress, and hat with magenta feathers. Pony was wearing a dark green jacket, with an orange shirt, and blue trousers. He wore a beanie and wore glasses. Wait a minute…That Pony guy…HE INFECTED DOGGY IN THE FOREST! The officer thought. “I’m-…I can’t remember my name. This infection…It made me lose my memory slightly…But you can call me officer!” The officer said. “Oh look, they have a friend too!” Pony said. The infected from the cage had wandered in. “Thats no friend, that’s one of them!” Zizzy said. Pony knocked it out with his wooden sword. Zizzy picked up her fencing foil. “Lets go to our safe house!” Pony said. “We can talk about each other there!” They had got to the city. “Why is your gate on fire?” The officer asked. “One time someone broke the fence, and the infected wandered in. I don’t know who it was though. I think it was some people in grey shirts and berets.” Pony said. “I saw you in a uniform like that in the forest. You infected my friend Doggy.” The officer pointed out. “Let’s just get in!” Zizzy said to stop the fight.  

Once they got in, they started talking about their former jobs. “I was trying to become an optometrist, like my father.” Pony said. “I was a fencing instructor” Said Zizzy. They heard a rumble near the mall. “I’ll go check it out.” The officer said. “I’ll go too.” Zizzy said. They went in the mall, and were chased by a broken security droid and a mouse. They opened up where the person was and found none other than… Georgie. “Georgie? Why did you run?” Asked the officer. “You know this kid?” Zizzy asked. “Yes, he’s the person I was looking for.” The officer replied. “When my family went to the hospital they acted weird….So I came here looking for Grandma…But everyone was being scary, so I hid.” Georgie said. “Come, Georgie. We can give you shelter in the safe house.” The officer offered. “Okay…” Georgie said. 

Back at the safe house, Pony had good news. “Hey guys! I tracked a helicopter signal to a military outpost!” Pony gave them the news. “Mr. P.” The officer knew what it was. “Lets go!” The officer said, ready to face Mr. P.  

At the outpost, they discovered it was infested with infected. All the soldiers were infected and wandering around. And there was an infected with a flamethrower, who chased them while they escaped. “This is where Mr. P is. Are we ready for what is in there?” The officer stated. “WAIT!” Georgie came running up to them. “I want to see the person who hurt my family.” Georgie said. “Seems you’ve attracted quite the crowd.” Pony said. A crowd of soldiers had surrounded them. “Me and Pony will fight them off!” Zizzy said. “Ok, me and Georgie will stop Mr. P.” The player said.  

When they got inside, they saw Mr. P staring into darkness. Except, he was a cyborg. “The ghosts of the people I let down are here to haunt me.” Mr. P said. “We aren’t ghosts. What’s he talking about?” Georgie said. “Leave me be! I want to be left in peace!” Mr. P shouted at the two. They followed him further into the plant. “Fine, if you won’t leave, I’ll take care of you myself.” Mr. P said, as he loaded his plasma gun. An infected appeared. It was Badgy, a researcher. Once they blew up the plant with dynamite, the officer started having hallucinations of where he had been, and saw ghosts of Doggy and Bunny. After giving Mr. P a picture of his wife, he came around. Mr. P decided to tell the officer his story, but on one condition. That the officer left as soon as he heard it. “My wife, Mrs. P had a disease, I tried to cure it. I had finally made what was supposedly going to help her. I tried it on the kind Piggy family. The results were they were getting stronger. I was overjoyed. I gave it to Mrs. P immediately. The was getting stronger too. But then I heard news the Piggy family were getting aggressive.  

Mrs. P was too. That was when I met you. When you fainted in the sewer, we took you to the hospital and found traces of the infection in you. Bunny got attacked, so I gave her another rushed cure, hoping it would work. I was wrong. And then, here you are. That is my selfish story.” Mr. P told the officer. “Thank you, Mr. P. 

Once they got outside, Zizzy and Pony had stopped the soldiers. “Hey! Zizzy! Pony! We defeated Mr. P!” The officer told them. “Thats great!” Pony replied. “So what do we do now?” Pony asked. “Maybe look for a cure?” Georgie asked. “Ok! We can do that!” The officer replied.  


Hey everybody
It was good to see you all on our meet up.

I have almost completed the adding and taking away maths table. I am half way through the times table one.
I have done the Loch Ness facts sheet now too.

We were out on a walk and had a talk about how the last year and coronavirus has made us feel. We had to pick 3 feelings and then say why we felt that.

I like staying at home and being able to play with my stuff at home at my break times. I like seeing my family more.

I miss all my friends and getting to play outside with them at break time. I’ll be really happy when I can do that again.
I get frustrated a lot at the moment. I just want to be able to see my friends and go out to some different places.

I am hoping to make it to big book blether tomrrow to talk about Cat Ninja.
It is now time to go and look at the Arctic and see how different it is to other places.
Bye for now everybody.


Hi it’s Erin

This is what I thought about the music.

My favourite song was the folk song from Korea,

I enjoyed the folk song from Iceland as well.

My granny enjoyed the song called Caledonia.


My walk

Hi it’s Erin


here’s my walk .

Granny , Papa  and I went to Newbridge  and went through the gate

where the steps are. We went through two fields, and went through the gate  to the path. We  followed the path along the river side and then turned back.

The path was very wet.

Muffins Day

Hello everyone,

Today I have been doing some maths and spelling and my picture with 3 animals there are two arctic foxes and one snow-owl. The Northern lights are at the top of the magic ice tree. The lights are all colours because they are magic.

After I did that I did my pancakes recipe. I also hope everyone had a good holiday! Its good to see that’s there are new people. I really enjoyed our call today. I also read Wow Animals and wrote down ten facts. Animals are amazing.

Mama made chocolate muffins for us. We also put some more food out for our sparrows. They really like fat balls the best.

Smile every day and be happy xxx


Average Day

Hi. Caspian here.

Today I had my first call with Mr Laidlaw for a while and I did some maths with him. I also did maths in my schoolbook and some spellings too.

I also did some work on the Arctic. I wrote a report on what I liked and what I didn’t like about the subject. I then drew some pictures and wrote down some facts in boxes. I also made a video about what I would take with me to the Arctic to survive. Unfortunately the file is to big to send by email or put on the blog but Mrs Jardine knows about it.


In The Hub Today

Lots of literacy this morning, with lots of concentration on cursive writing.  Maths was mainly about angles. Everyone had to look for angles and take photos, then sort angles into groups – obtuse,  acute, or right angles. (There were so many photos of angles we couldn’t post them all!) The second level children also practised measuring angles with protractors. This afternoon we had some time in the forest, did some Arctic work and the Lego challenge.

Home learning

Hi it’s Niamh the salad here. Today I have been doing my angles and then I done my green times table I also maid a angles poster and I done sumdog and I read about German Shepard’s and storms. Bye I am a salad🥗

Home learning

Hi it’s Rhys the cheese burger. Toady I have completed the sumdog challenge, done my 5 a day, I completed my polar task and then completed the last polar task after that I done the sudoku, then I had lunch after lunch I read some books on epic then it was home time. Bye Rhys the cheese burger out!🍔

Big Maths Wednesday

Hello Holywood

Today I done a big  bundle of maths tasks this was a catch up on some of the previous tasks.


Missing you all and can’t wait to see you all again.🙃

Bye Bye O

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