Wednesday 3rd February by Ella

Hi, sorry I haven’t posted but I am here today as mum is helping me.

I have been practicing my writing and reading words making a sentence.

I have done alot of writing sentences and keep reading tricky words.

I did some adding work with numicon which I did with no help.

We watched the video of the school in the Arctic.

I quite liked it but dont think I want to be there as it looks far too cold. I wouldn’t want to walk all that way in the snow everyday but it would be good with a sledge. That would be fun.

I think the teachers do some things the same but we don’t have a gym like that. We don’t have snow like that all the time.


P4/5 Teams Catch Up

It was lovely to catch up with some of the Primary 4s and 5s today.  The sound quality wasn’t great in the hub, so I hope we didn’t deafen you with our shouting!  Thank you to those of you who persevered and kept talking and signing until we could hear you.

Storytelling in the hub today

We found objects in the school grounds and made up stories about them.

We brought our objects inside and had a practice at telling the stories about our objects. The children have come up with some great ideas, and have even worked in pairs to put some objects together to make joined-up stories. Hopefully they will get chance to video some of these stories to put on the blog later in the week.

In the meantime,  here are the photos of the children with their objects – can you guess what their stories will be?

Adopted Polar Bear Name – Time to Vote!

Hi Everyone,

Miss Brockie-Donald’s gift of the adopted polar bear still needs a name. We have had lots of suggestions, so in the hub today we narrowed the names down with a vote, and now the vote is open to everyone.  There was the question of whether it is a boy or a girl, but we decided it can be either.

So, here are the names to vote on:

Cosmo                               Snowy

Bob                                       Milo

Please cast your votes in the reply section below.  (Or you can always email if you’d like to vote anonymously.)



This afternoon I will read TIMMY ON THE TOILET.

I have been playing keyboard games on mums computer and it helps me find letters.

The monarch song

I’ve been learning-or trying to Learn at least- horrible history’s monarch song and the tricky part is the chorus it goes like this:

William, William, Henry, Stephen
Henry, Richard, John, oi!
Henry, Ed, Ed, Ed, Rich two
Then three more Henrys join our song
Edward, Edward, Rich the third
Henry, Henry, Ed again
Mary one, good Queen Bess
Jimmy, Charles and Charles and then
Jim, Will, Mary, Anna Gloria
George, George, George, George
Will, Victoria


yea it’s long init. I hope that you can figure it out and if you can why don’t you post your attempt on the blog! I sure will!

fun fact: Did you know William the conqueror was actually from France? 🇫🇷
I hope you enjoy the post it took me way too long to write

p.s. For the full song search for

the monarch song horrible histories on YouTube

it should be the first one that comes up ok bye.

By Hannah Storey

Big adding up and fractions

Today I have been doing more fractions and adding big numbers, the ones where I had to carry the ten across took me longer but it’s the first time I’ve done them and mum said I did well.
I am now going to type my own blog then do some reading.

Esmae’s Blog

Hey everybody. Today I did some five a day and some algebra. I found it a bit hard to find the percentage of something. So I’ll have to work on them with my mum. Think we are going to go for a walk with our dog Lily to get some fresh air. Bye Esmae

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