Muckle Crocodile

Today I read both the poems, I really liked them both as they were really funny,  I have wrote down what I think the words mean and I have drew a picture of the crocodile.

I have also read ‘A dug’ and I’m going to have a think what to write for a wee poem tomorrow.

I did some fractions and sums and after lunch I got my tub out the freezer and added more water and some ground almonds, the ice came away from the bottom of the tub and floated a bit in the new water but I’ve put it back in the freezer now to see what happens.




Hi in maths we have been doing so word problems and it was  hard but we got some answer does  yours match up?


By Bailey and Dakota

Big Eye for The Win! (Or at least third place I hope)

Hi! Caspian here.

As many other people are entering the big teddy competition, I decided to enter too. I doubt I will win. Any way Big Eye is my purple minion teddy. I cannot find out who he was from the film…But his name comes from the size of him and his eyes.


Scottish Blurb

Hi Caspian here. I have my blurb beneath.

Washed up oan a beach, th’ lone castaway looks aroond th’ shore. Whaur am ah? Wha am ah? ‘N’ how come is everything made o’ blocks? Bit thare isnae muckle time tae soak up th’ sun. Tis getting mirk, ‘n’ theres a streenge freish world tae explore!

The tap priority is finding fairn. Th’ neist insae becoming fairn. Fur thare ur ithers oot thare oan th’ island… Lik’ th’ horde o’ zombies that appears afte nicht falls. Crafting a wey oot o’ this fankle is a challenge lik’ na ither. Wha wid build a hame while running fae exploding creepers, armed skeletons, ‘n’ an unstoppable tide o’ lava? especially wi’ na hulp exept fur some makeshift tools ‘n’ sage advice fae an unlikely mukker: a cow.

In this world, th’ rules dinnae mak’ sense, bit courage ‘n’ creativity goes a lang wey. Thare ur forests tae explore, hidden underground tunnels tae loot, ‘n’ undead mobs tae defeat. Ainlie then wull th’ secrets o’ th’ island be revealed.


And there you have it! I have not mentioned this book before, but it is a good one! See ya!

Why we shouldn’t do oil drilling in the artic

Oil drilling is TERRIBLE for the planet and its definitely not good for all those animals especially the polar bears because their ice bergs are already melting and that means they have even less space to hunt themselves! We know we shouldn’t be doing this and we do it anyways. You have to admit, humans are selfish. They only think about themselves. What about the other animals? How would you feel if you were a polar bear and first the ice starts melting, because of humans, global warming is happening BECAUSE of humans and we should never do something that only benefits us, but also benefits other creatures no matter how small or deadly. The world needs us to fix what we started and this is NOT a good start. Someday in the future I hope that we all realise how horrible we have been, and actually HELP the animals to thrive in their home places.  Every single animal is thankful to you for not littering, not burning plastic and saving them from bad situations. I have saved many animals in my life. I have save 3 crows, a  baby water vole, a robin, a great tit, pigeon, a baby pheasant, 8 baby hedgehogs a house martin and a lot more. It feels amazing when you think to yourself, “I have just saved a life” And you could save many others lives by not supporting the terrible things we do, like cutting down rainforests, fracking, hurting animals and bugs, littering, putting your garbage into the ocean. Not supporting all these activities will be better for everyone. And and being nicer to the planet in general. Another reason why oil drilling is horrible is because (my brother told me this) when we spill oil while doing this, animals get themselves into it by mistake and try to clean it off, and get oil in their mouths and die. It’s just SAD. You help the planet, you help everyone. Thats only one of the ways that can harm them. They drill oil to get fuel for cars and trucks and when they do this, the cars and trucks burn the oil causing carbon dioxide to float into the atmosphere. And it is of because global warming which causes polar bears ice bergs to melt. I hope you understand.

By Rhona

Scots words

mither = mother doot =doubt ripes =search alane =alone hungert =hungry doukin =siwmming muckle =large uggsom = dlsgusting besomt = broom fyke =fuss

Here is my updated email to President Biden.

Dear Mr President,

Congratulations on becoming president, I hope Champ and Major are settling in well to life in the White House.

I am 11 years old, and I live in Scotland. As I am not an American citizen, you might wonder why I am writing to you. I think the climate emergency is a global issue; therefore, needs to be met with a global response. Drilling for oil in Alaska will affect my country and have a catastrophic impact on the Alaskan National Park.

I think you should invest in more research and renewable energy trials (Solar, Hydro and Wind) in the Arctic, rather than giving more licences for drilling oil in the Arctic circle. Drilling and extracting oil are having an adverse effect on the environment and already struggling communities in the Arctic. Here are some of the ways it has a negative effect on the region:

  1. It causes the displacement of wildlife.
  2. It causes pollution of often previously pristine environments.
  3. The consumption of oil adds to climate change and global warming.
  4. It also affects indigenous people’s ability to hunt and live in traditional ways.

Drilling for oil might provide more money and jobs for communities for a temporary amount of time. However, I believe renewable energy can do this in a more economical, environmental, and socially sustainable way.

Yours sincerely,



Email to President Biden

Good Morning Everyone,

I was so impressed with Joe’s email to President Biden, that I decided we should actually send it to him (if that’s ok with Joe!).  If anyone else would like to do that task by Friday I would be happy to send them all together.


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