In the hub

Here are some photos of the work the guys have been doing over the last 2 days in the Childcare Hub.

Answering reading questions, doing jumbled sentences and translating Scots…


Using concrete materials and number lines to work on subtraction problems, and some team work to solve word problems and the Inheritance Challenge…

And lots of Arctic art…

We’ve also made the most of it being dry (although cold!) and been out for some walks. Hope you are all having a good week too!

Miss Dale’s Book Blurb in Scots

Freish pupils ur made tae sign thair names in blood…the assistant heid teacher haes na reflection…the french teacher disappears whenever thir’s a stowed oot moon…
Follow Dauvit Eliot’s adventures at th’ spookiest schuil aroond – 

Mrs Fraser’s shopping list for Friday

Hi everyone,

This Friday I’m going to be making some delicious Mars Bar Crispy Cake.

If you would like to try it out here’s what you’ll need.

4 Mars Bars, 100g of butter or margarine, 100g of Rice Krispies, 200-250g of chocolate to top.  You might want some baking paper but it’s not essential.

See you on Friday!


Esmaé’s Blog

Hey everybody today  I did my five a day and some algebra. I finally finished The Broons family tree. I had some help from my mum and nana because it was hard to draw 11 people. But I did most of them. My favourite one I drawn was Daphne. By Esmaé


Hi there! Caspian here.

I have been looking around on Top Marks and I found a cool maths game called Prodigy. I have got to level 13 in it. It not only does maths, but you can get pets, and wands, and spells, and relics, and wizards, and battles, and quests. I was hoping our school could sign up to it and we could all do maths and battle titans made by The Puppet Master in it.


Some work from me

hi everybody
I have been doing lots of mental maths. I watched the video lots to try remember the tips on how to do it. I actually enjoyed it and asked to do more today but I don’t like the take away as much as adding.

I did Miss Dale’s map. Did Miss Dale mean to write soup or shop? we decided you’d buy the soup at the shop so they’d both be in the same place.

I read Jordans new jaiket.
1. Jordan was dreaming about football.
2. Jordan was woken up by his mum.
3. Jordans mum was angry. I know this because of what his mum was saying.
4. He was excited because it was really snowy outside so he wanted to go out and play.
5. Jordans new jacket was outside on the snow man.
6. His mum is gonna dry the jacket with the warm fire.
7. I think the familys going to build a snow man.

I watched some videos about different people that have been to the Arctic.

Jade Hameister
I watched a video about Jade. She is the youngest person to go to the North Pole. She was only 14.
I would like to go to the north pole because I love snow and I would love to see all the animals. I think I could do it now at the age of 8.

Matthew Henson
One of the first people to reach the North Pole. He was born in 1866. This was the year after the civil war. He was born and grew up in Maryland. Some people think he reached the North Pole first. He was a cabin boy on a ship when he was 13 years old. He met the explorer Robert Peary in 1887 while working in a store. Peary hired Henson to help carry things on the expeditions. Henson worked with Peary for 20 years and was really good at all the parts of exploring – for example dog sledding and hunting. He also learned to speak the Inuit language.
The explorers had to try a few times to reach the North Pole. Legend says Henson reached the pole before Peary, making him the first man to walk and stand on the north pole. Peary got the Hubbard medal when he returned, but Henson didn’t get one until 100 years later when he had sadly already died.

bye every one (●’◡’●)

My busy couple of days!

Hello everybody! I’ve have been quite a busy bee the last couple of days.

I’ve been doing a lot of maths. I started with the word problems and my favourite one was the one about the mantis. I did struggle on a few but I got there. I did the spicy Five-a-day which I found quite easy. I just struggled on the last question. I did the rounding the numbers challenge and I did it in 2 minutes. It was very easy.

I did the harder sudoku. Sudoku is quite a challenge when starting off but when you get the hang of it you find it quite easy. I really enjoyed doing them.

I did quite a bit of literacy and I found the Scots quite hard surprisingly. I started with translating my favourite books blurb into Scots.

There ur stories that ge ya the fear.

An there ur the murk and the disturbing Creepypasta stories that wid make ye freaked oot. The Creepypasta Collection is an unsettlin anthology o’ terror, foo a’ nichtmares and dangerous beasties—fae unearthly supernatural beings to murderously disturbed. Sa lock yer doors, check unner yer bed, turn oan aw tha lights, and get ready fur a pure dead mental, up-aw-night journey into the hert a’ darkness.

 It’s a creepypasta anthology full of modern urban legends and scary stories. I do enjoy the creepypasta book it’s just that it is quite terrifying. I do get quite feart but I enjoy it.

Afterwards I translated the Broons into English.

Come on, you lot! Put your old clothes in this case for the bramble picking trip!

Why can we not just wear our old clothes to the cottage?

Because you’re not going down Glebe street dressed in rags that’s why!

Away for the weekend, Mrs Brown?

Er…Yes, we’re just taking a break up at our country cottage.

Here we are. We’d better turn in early tonight. We’ll be up at the crack of dawn for the berries tomorrow morning.

Rise and shine everybody! Lets get to picking brambles.

Is that a berry bug down there?

No, it’s just the kid!

Just as well we’ve got our old clothes on. Eh Maggie?

I finished my day with a bit of Sumdog spelling. It was very easy because it gave me quite easy words to spell.

I hope you all had a great day and stay safe!

From Cleo

How Important it is to wash your hands!

Hello team Holywood!!!

This is an experiment to show you how important it is to wash your hands. For the experiment you will need: a bowl of cold water, ground black pepper and hand soap.

The black pepper represents the bugs and viruses so you can see that they stick to your hands if you only wash them with water.

When you put soap on your hands the bugs will run away from your hands. Have a go yourself!

bye bye.M

letter to president biden

Dear President Biden

I think that you should not drill for oil in the Arctic because it will kill off the wildlife such as the arctic foxes, polar bears, seals and reindeer. This means that there will be nothing for the people in the artic to survive on and nothing to pull their sledges.  Without animals, tradition dies off.  The animals will become extinct.

Having animals in the Arctic encourages tourism. The tourists will bring money to the native people in the Arctic too. Animals are also good for education for people who do not live in the Arctic.

Please think again about allowing the oil drilling to go ahead.

Kind regards

Bruce 🙂

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