Book club📚

Hi Everybody,

In lockdown, my best friend Megan, my Nan and I have set up a virtual book club where we read a set amount of a book then discuss it every Thursday on zoom. We just finished “The Boy at the Back of the Class” by Onjali Q. Rauf, which I highly recommend. Now we are going to start reading “The Silver Sword” by Ian Serraillier.

Here are some pictures:


See you in three weeks! Byee!


4 Replies to “Book club📚

  1. Hi Joe, It was great to see you on Book Blether earlier. I think your virtual book group sounds like a great way to chat about books and keep in touch with people during lockdown. Thank you for telling us about it on the blog – maybe it will inspire some people to set up their own virtual book groups with friends and family. Have a lovely weekend Joe!

  2. Your virtual book club is an excellent idea Joe; keeping in touch with friends and family and reading are two of my favourite things so maybe I should try it too! I haven’t read this book, like Mrs Armstrong I think I’ll give it a go some time!

  3. Hi Joe! I am intrigued by ‘The Boy at The Back of The Class’. What is it about the boy at the back of the class? was he being naughty? was he working hard? was he happy/sad? was he a new boy in the class?
    I’m really curious and want to find out. So I guess I’m going to have to look for the book to find out.

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