Here is my updated email to President Biden.

Dear Mr President,

Congratulations on becoming president, I hope Champ and Major are settling in well to life in the White House.

I am 11 years old, and I live in Scotland. As I am not an American citizen, you might wonder why I am writing to you. I think the climate emergency is a global issue; therefore, needs to be met with a global response. Drilling for oil in Alaska will affect my country and have a catastrophic impact on the Alaskan National Park.

I think you should invest in more research and renewable energy trials (Solar, Hydro and Wind) in the Arctic, rather than giving more licences for drilling oil in the Arctic circle. Drilling and extracting oil are having an adverse effect on the environment and already struggling communities in the Arctic. Here are some of the ways it has a negative effect on the region:

  1. It causes the displacement of wildlife.
  2. It causes pollution of often previously pristine environments.
  3. The consumption of oil adds to climate change and global warming.
  4. It also affects indigenous people’s ability to hunt and live in traditional ways.

Drilling for oil might provide more money and jobs for communities for a temporary amount of time. However, I believe renewable energy can do this in a more economical, environmental, and socially sustainable way.

Yours sincerely,



Email to President Biden

Good Morning Everyone,

I was so impressed with Joe’s email to President Biden, that I decided we should actually send it to him (if that’s ok with Joe!).  If anyone else would like to do that task by Friday I would be happy to send them all together.


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