I’ve done task 4 tourism in the Arctic tourism one. I hope you like my power point below about how to make tourism in the Arctic circle better.
I’ve added more info in my power point on Mrs Armstrong’s suggestion.
By Joe.
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
I’ve done task 4 tourism in the Arctic tourism one. I hope you like my power point below about how to make tourism in the Arctic circle better.
I’ve added more info in my power point on Mrs Armstrong’s suggestion.
By Joe.
I worked on practising my 4 times table and then I did lots of different quarter questions. I told my Mum I couldn’t do division so she made me do a lot of division. I realised I could do division! I also read more on Epic. I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s pets on the class meet up.
We watched some videos about the Arctic. One was about what explorers used to wear and what they would wear now. We then talked about the differences. A long time ago they would wear lots of thin layers and build them up. Now they wear less layers that are thicker and the big jacket or suit they wear will be filled with feathers. The lady said she found it very difficult to move in all the layers in the old outfit. She thought it would make exploring even harder than it already was with bad weather. She found the modern outfit much easier to move in and more comfortable.
I have been drawing a comic called The Hunt. Its about a man that is searching for different hunters to help him.
We watched the 3rd episode of Perfect Planet. My 3 facts from this weeks episode are –
The rain frog lives in the desert even though it’s called a rain frog. It needs 100 days of fog to survive.
Red crabs live on Christmas Island. They lay their eggs in water, but they don’t actually like water and they are scared of it.
Fire ants make a living raft when the jungle floods to save the colony. They float in the water until the can climb up into a tall plant. They keep the queen safe in the middle.
Stay safe team holywood!