Day 11 of home school learning today i done sum dog, then I done done some of my maths book and some of my spelling book, then i done an epic report on Barack Obama.
Home learning
Ella here again (tue)
thanks Miss Dale’s Daddy
What I’ve been up to these two days.
Hello everyone! Cleo here. I hope you are all having a brilliant time off. Today I will be talking about what I’ve been up to. Yesterday I did pronouns. This is what I wrote.
I heard a noise in the dining room at lunchtime. I went to the dining room and Mr Wilson was groaning. He had fallen off the chair. He could not get back on to the chair. My colleague Jean and I helped him back into the chair. She looked to see if he was hurt. She found that he had bruised his leg. She put a cold compress on the bruise. The bruise was not too bad. The other residents carried on eating. They all seemed fine.
Today I matched words to their meanings. I struggled a bit at first but got the hang of it and tomorrow I will be doing sentences for each word. Yesterday I worked on Sumdog and I will be doing Five-a-day today. I read Julius Ceaser and I decided I was going to pick a song for one of the characters. I have the perfect song but I will be doing that tomorrow.
I also have an idea for school. Could we maybe make a kind of calm area for at break times because I’m sure there might be some kids hiding their feelings like I did. It could be an area to help with stress or anxiety. You could maybe read a book or listen to something calm, relax and breathe in and out.
Hope you all are doing brilliant and remember to stay safe and wash your hands!
By Cleo
What I’ve been doing
Hi everybody
I’ve written out all my au sound words 3 times in colourful rainbow colours. I could read them first try
I listened to the true story of the three little pigs : ) I answered the questions.
1. The wolf isn’t happy because people dont know his version of the story.
2. People think wolves are big and bad because they eat furry cute animals.
3. The wolf was trying to make a birth day cake for his granny.
4.The wolf ran out of sugar.
5. He thinks the first pig isn’t so smart because he made his house out of straw
6.The wolf blew the houses down because his cold made him sneeze.
7.I think the third pig was rude to the wolf because he thought the wolf was there to blow his house down.
8.I believe the wolfs story because you could hear him sneeze and it sounded like he had a cold.
I also read other books on epic and I really like cat ninja. Iv’e also done the maths problems except for the very last one as I need to count how many staff members are in the school. I also did some sum dog.
bye for now team Holywood.
Maths Challenge
Tuesday 26th January by Ella
I really enjoyed the Teams Meeting today and showing my guineapigs to everyone. I wasn’t as shy today and felt ok talking to everyone.
I have been doing some maths, reading tricky words. We listened to the true story of the 3 little pigs and then mum read the fairy tale times to me. Yestersay I wrote out sentences about the Arctic. Today I have painted and used sticks and leaves similar to Mrs Nyondo’s picture. We went for a walk and I slipped over as it was quite icy on the road. I hurt my leg but I’m ok now.
how to make a delicious smothie
1:cut up 4 large strawberrys and put them im ur blender
2:add in 1 bannana
3:add in a strawberry yogurt
4 :add in water
Blends it all together and u have a creamy delicious banana and strawberry smoothie!.