Today I done Sumdog, Epic and a report on the book. We went for a 4 mile walk too!
My happy photo
Home learning
Friday 22nd January by Ella
I am glad it’s Friday as I need a rest because I’ve been busy again today. Mum and I went for a walk where we live, I saw cows, sheep, birds and a pheasant today. The sunshine made me feel happy today. We read a book called ‘The Toy Box’ and then I was reading out words that I know.
We looked at numbers and i was counting back and forwards.
Mum got some lard and I couldn’t stop laughing doing the experiment with the water and lard. It felt gooey. My hand was warm and my other hand was freezing! Polar bears must stay really warm then. I will need to do that again as mum forgot to take a photo of me doing it.
We went shopping as my guineapigs needed carrots and cucumber and lettuce.
My HWB happy photo today is my family. They make me very very happy and I love them all.
Have a nice weekend everybody
Hello Tanith Here.
Today I had a class call and got shy. I wanted to tell everyone that it is my 7th birthday on Sunday. I was shy on my walk also. And I made short bread in the shapes of Arctic fox and polar bear. Then I added some orange chocolate on my short bread. I made some drawings to do on my short bread but didn’t work so I used cutters and the cutters were 1. Polar Bear 2. Arctic Fox. I used chocolate orange on top but the decoration was a bit too messy and Saxon licked some off also! it was fun making them and everyone said they tasted AMAZINGGGGGG!
I am going to do some Sundog later.
Goodbye! Smile everyday, see you next time Bye! Bye!
Job opportunity
Class Call
Hello, its Tanith. My internet died. I am sorry. Love Tanith xxx
Scoot scoot!
Hi everyone.
Firstly I’ve discovered my favourite thing in maths is partitions. I’ve really been enjoying doing them! I even asked to do them again today. I’ve also been practising hard on my 3 and 4 times table. I didn’t think I was very good at the 3 and then I proved myself wrong when I got all my 3 times table questions right.
As part of my exercise for big Thursday we went to the skate park and I got to scoot on my new scooter. I decided to try one of the bigger ramps that I hadn’t tried before and I did it! So I asked my Dad to take a video.
We watched another episode of Perfect Planet and my mum wanted to know 3 facts we learned from the show.
Figs are pollinated by fig wasps that lay their eggs inside. When the baby wasps hatch inside the fig, the male wasps allow themselves to be eaten by ants to let the female wasps get away. The female wasps only live for 2 days.
Golden snub-nosed monkeys live in families and the familes fight with each other for food. Snub-nosed monkeys are one of my favourite animals because I love monkeys. I already knew that the leader of the family is the big male with the fur cape.
Arctic foxes steal eggs from geese to feed their cubs. Their cubs need 300 calories a day to grow.
Bye for now.