Happiness Picture

For a long time I wanted to be transformed into a Princess in Disney, our last trip before COVID it happened…..I was so happy I cried a lot!

Today’s Work

Today I have done Sumdog, my 4 times table, read about Michelle OBama on Epic and done a picture report about her.

Esmae’s Blog

Hey everybody. Today I did some of my 5 a day medium level and got them all right. I then did some algebra trumps. I then started colouring in my Macbeth poster. I’m nearly finished it. I will post my finished poster tomorrow. By Esmae

Igloo Day

Hello, I have learned about igloos today then I wrote down some facts and drew an igloo.

I also did some maths questions which mummy helped me with. Then I had a maths call with Mr Laidlaw. I also read some more of my book and did a diagram about two children from the book who are called Beth and Frannie. Today we visited Roundabout Land in the enchanted wood.

My happy picture today is my yummy hot choclat supreme. It has marshmallows, cream, jazzies and unicorn sprinkles.

Smile everyday and stay safe. Love from Tanith xxx

The Teacup Saga!

Hi everyone, it’s Caspian!

This is my answer to the cup and saucer maths question. Mum helped me as I thought it was very tricky. It was much easier when we realised you could have a cup and saucer of the same colour.

I have done some maths and French today. It was good to see everyone today.

My happiness picture is like Tanith’s. As it has been a grey rainy day, mum made us both hot chocolate supreme!!


In the childcare hub today


The hovercraft Lego challenge created lots of interest.  Olly and Bailey even checked theirs on land and water to see if the models would float. Great idea to check it out, boys!

More work was done on Arctic posters, Sumdog, Epic and spellings. We had a little spare time, so we had a game of wink murder in the hall.

The life size polar bear is coming along nicely…it’s just needing more covering for the bones.

The P4s and P5s enjoyed seeing their classmates on Teams, this afternoon.

We made Scottish and Eskimo ice cream recipes. Some children didn’t like berries so we left those out of both recipes.  Freddie said he was expecting the  Eskimo ice cream to taste bad, but it was better than he thought it would be! Findlay said that both ice creams smelled the same.  Even Bailey enjoyed one of the ice creams! The winner of the taste test in school was the Scottish recipe, but if you are at home don’t take our word for it – try it!  The Eskimo recipe was said to be less creamy and without taste, so maybe the berries would have helped!

Hi fellow friends

I have been busy doing algebra it is amazing. I had to go to work with mum last week I liked it and made some friends. I have done a zog poster. On sumdog I have 456 questions I’m trying to get in the world top. I have been riding my pony he is called harry aswell. He is nice and friendly.


Algebra was kind of hard when I first started because I didn’t really understand it. now it’s a bit easier because I sort of understand it. Sometimes even my dad doesn’t know what to do.  -_-  Sooooo one of them isn’t answered.




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