Esmaes Blog

Hey everybody. Today I did some 5 a day medium level and some top trumps algebra. I think I’m getting better at it. I also watched Macbeth on BBC and started drawing a mural about it. I’ve still got a lot more to do on it. So Macbeth is about a called Macbeth who has a friend called Banquo who bump into 3 witches who told him he would be king and that his friend would father a King. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth planed to kill king Duncan so Macbeth and Lady Macbeth would be king and queen. Macbeth wants more power. Two henchmen come and Macbeth plans to kill his friend and his son. Everyone teams up to battle against Macbeth army and he dies. The malcolm army take over his castle and they put his head on a stick. By Esmae

Sevi’s happiness

my cat chola makes me happy.  im gonna tell you about her……..

sam calls her chola chola coke a cola. she looks cute when she sleeps in her pie bed. she likes the color lime and tennis balls, snakes, and snuggling.  she has HUGE ears and she squeaks like a piglet. She has a similar birthday as me and sam. Last night she bit dads toe in dads bed, and woke him up. He was not happy! she has 5 brothers and 2 sisters her dad is called Spud her mum is called Emmie. chola has blue eyes. she likes climing doors and chasing bjorns tail. she is very good at fetch better then our dog is! she is very CUTE and makes me HAPPY i hope you like her.

Busy afternoon

Here is what we have been doing this afternoon.


I made a polar bear enclosure.

Some people made Rhys’ lego cars.

Some people were doing posters.


Medicine for Big Al the Allosaurus

Today I enjoyed writing out my medicine for Big Al the Allosaurus, he had a broken claw.  It took ages but mum helped me put all the words together that I had picked.

Also wrote out my words and did some adding up, I’m getting really quick at adding sums but take away takes me more time.

We are doing a little reading each day , the book I’m reading is ‘the first hippo on the moon’


Macbeth’s Text History

Hey @Macbeth_TheBest Remember what we told you! You are headed for the top job.

Hey @3Hags, You know it! I am the 💣


@LadyMcBae Yo! I met the 3 🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️. They think I’m awesome and fate says I will be King of Scotland! I’m riding home now 🐎

Don’t tell me things I already know! Of course u are 😎!

King Duncan is visiting us very soon!

Oh really? Hmmm I think you may be too soft and kind for this.

What do you mean? I am strong willed and ambitious 🤨

I have an idea 💡. A way to speed things up.

Oh aye? I’m all 👂!

Not now. When you return. I will explain it all 👩‍🏫

OK. Fate will see it right and I’ll be 🤴. Almost home. C u soon!

Fate can’t always be trusted or fast enough. C u soon my love! ❤

By Cleo x


Hello everyone! Today I’ve made a terrarium. The other day we got some more plants from my granny. After that I did my five a day and then went sumdog. My mum is also going to give me some other things on maths. Then I will do spelling. I’m not sure what i’m going to be doing in it yet. Then my mum will give me a few things to do about Japan. I will do a bit more about polar bears. After that I will go on the on the teams thing. I will do the thing that I’ve not finished after. By Orla.

Tea cup solution!!!


This is Bailey and Olivers cup and saucer solution, it took some time and we had to restart a few times and finally when we had one last square left we knew we did it. We where talking about how long it took it was about 15-20 minutes and it was difficult about where we put the cups on saucers.

By Bailey and Oliver.

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