Mum and I have spent hours on teacups!!! I have learnt how to create a grid on Excel, colour words, create borders and…. how to tear my hair out! We are giving up on it for tonight but will try again tomorrow. Mum is really cross as she has maths at masters degree. Her excuse is that it has been a while hahahahahaha!
Heavenly Buns
Hi! Caspian here.
Today, I have done some maths and high quality vocabulary. I also did a task on polar bears. Mum made some delicious buns today. I had two and I realized that they were perfect. Mainly because they were 99% chocolate and I have a huge addiction for it. When I finish my blog I am going to do some SumDog and try to get some bonus coins. I am halfway to the 250 coins. Mum helped me understand the nature of the questions I’m up against.
My happy picture for today is my cat Ludo wearing a fez. (I don’t think he’s too impressed!) He has sat with me all day and he has helped me with some of my maths. Mainly the stress of “71.64+85.98 does not equal 195.86.”. He just calmed me through that. And that was enough.
We didn’t go out for a challenge walk today as I didn’t want to go out in the pouring rain.
Adios amigos! Nos vemos mañana! (Spanish for “Bye friends! See you tommorow!)
J’ai un chat noir et blanc!
Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog,
Today I have done a word search. Les animaux means the animals. It was easy to find the animals on the grid as there was a list so I knew what to look for. Mummy helped me find out what a few of the animals were and I also used my French to English book. I already knew chat is cat because I watch Miraculous Ladybug with Chat Noir. After that I did the animal jumble. Mummy helped me by working through some of the words and helped me with the colours. Mummy also helped me with male and female words in French. Un is male and une is female.
I did my 10x tables and after I answered all the questions I partitioned them. I read the sheep thief behind bars also. I read two more chapters of The Enchanted Wood. The story is lovely and magical. There is a Faraway Tree in our woods here. It takes you up to Rainbowland where my friend Portia lives. Then I copied out my favourite part of the storyline in my best curly writing. After that I did some phonics work. After that I did noughts and crosses with Mummy and Caspian to practice my words.
I created a logo for my Calm Club. I hope you like the picture. I have used mainly pink because the lady is imagining things that are magical and pink is always magical. She is thinking about cake, flying on a bird and riding a unicorn. My mummy made the best buns I ever tasted. They had strawberry chocolate owls sitting in chocolate icing on chocolate buns. I could eat a 1000!!!!!!!!!!
Today’s happiness photograph is of my cat Dodger Fox. He makes me really happy because he is getting a lot better.
Smile every day, be happy, stay safe and see you next time.
Love from Tanith xxx
Tuesday 19th January by Ella
Hi, I liked seeing my teachers and friends on Teams today but I felt quite shy and was shy to talk infront of everyone.
Yesterday and today I have been on Sumdog, Epic reading and yesterday I read some books at home and mum did numbers on the whiteboard for me to recognise.
This is my Igloo and how to build it. I don’t think I would like to live in the Arctic. It looks too cold and I would be freezing. I would need to have all my winter clothes on altogether at the same time to keep warm.
This is my happy photo. I got a trampoline for my birthday.
Happiness Picture
Happiness Picture
Home School 
Why Zoos Probably Shouldn’t Be A Thing
Zoos are cruel because they take random animals from the wild and put them in enclosures away from their mates and family. How would you feel if weird a creature just took you away from your friends and your family and you got put into an enclosure where weird people look at you? How about looking next to you and you see an animal that can kill you in one strike? It’s not fair on them. They can’t speak human and tell you that they don’t want to go. I researched it, and apparently 3 zoos keep animals in cages where there isn’t even space for two of them in. only space to lie down and stand up. That’s why I hate zoos. Though, some zoos are actually good so I’m just saying about the bad ones. Some have breeding programmes though.
By Rhona
Home learning
Some more work from today.
Hi again
This morning I started with my dictionary words. This is my sentences.
Guy Fawkes committed treason with his gunpowder plot.
My prophecy for 2021 is that I will get more confident rollerblading.
I asked Rory not to break my build on Minecraft, but he did anyway. This betrayal haunts me until this day.
The man was arrested for conspiracy to commit murder.
My friend told me the shop was gifting free sweets, but I realised this was deceit.
People believed there was a high level of corruption in the local government.
My cat ,Diego, likes to pin my cat ,Zorro, down to show dominance.
I also spent a lot of time on algebra today with my Dad so I was able to do quite a bit towards the Sumdog challenge. I might need to do a bit more practise on algebra but I understand the terms variable, constant and coefficient and I’m a bit better at simplifying.